NICK: Yeah, I do wanna ask also about B2G, because I feel like government needs the most help in this arena. And you might have to pay your participants more actually to endure those experiences. But is that a market of growth for you guys as well?
ALEJANDRO: Oh yeah, yeah, we have some of the largest... Governmental institutions in the US as clients, for their employees. We have a number of other organizations, both in Canada and the United States in terms of municipality or other types of state level organizations. Both oriented towards their employees, as well as oriented netherlands phone number whatsapp towards their external stakeholders. In the UK if you go to the website that... Enables people to launch anew firm in the UK remotely. And manage that firm that has been set up, it has in my view, one of the best user experiences I've ever seen; Private, public sector, anywhere. Kudos to them, because generally speaking governmental websites and apps are not very user friendly, and have a long way to go. But there are some exceptions.
NICK: Excellent, excellent. Thank you, I'm gonna go check that example out. Going back to our previous discussion about the timing, it sounds like market and the maturity of the market is one of the most important factors to growth. But if we can dig into a level deeper. Marketing, sales, execution, what do you think are some of the pivotal variables to growing if the market is right for opportunity?
ALEJANDRO: So one of the things I would advise anybody who's trying to... Scale up their go to market is to spend as much time as possible in the trenches selling to customers. And learning why customers say no, as well as why customers say yes. And if you're doing that, and I spent a couple years just systematically doing that, with tons of prospects and clients. Invaluable, invaluable learning, because that really gives you insights into everything you do from a marketing perspective, from a messaging perspective, from a pricing perspective, from a feature and product roadmap perspective. The only way to really know that for sure is to actually spend time, a lot of time, talking to prospects and clients. And if you do that it's just worth every penny of your time, so I would definitely recommend that.
NICK: Yeah,
ALEJANDRO: Yeah. We all talk about it, but I remember when I got out of graduate school some of my colleagues were hired by a very large, well known cosmetics firm. And the first thing they did with these high-powered MBA graduates was place them into the cosmetics booth of a large department store for two or three months. And I thought... Well, I think now, I don't know what I thought at the time, but I think now it's brilliant. It really gives you a feel for what people like, what they don't like, why they like it, everything.
I think that's invaluable advice regardless of the industry
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