What is a persona ? From the overview to the "4-step process for creating one"! STEP 4: Create a customer journey map Once you have determined your target, you should diagram the process your customers go through from when they learn about your product to when they purchase it. By creating a customer journey map, you will be able to know what kind of advertising you should use to approach customers at the stages of "awareness," "understanding," "consideration," "negotiation," and "purchase." Learn more about customer journey maps here! The following article provides a detailed explanation of customer journey maps.
[Learn how to make one in 5 minutes] What is a customer niue email list 150000 contact leads journey map? With examples STEP 5: Decide on the advertising medium Next, decide on the advertising medium. Make sure you understand the characteristics of the advertising medium before choosing the most suitable one. off-line online merit Appealing to an unspecified number of people Improve your brand image Allows for precise targeting costs are low Disadvantages High cost Difficult to measure effectiveness There is a risk of damaging the brand image Ad management know-how required For example, mass media, transportation media, and web media all have different characteristics.
By using mass media such as television and newspapers, you can appeal to an unspecified number of people. You must pass the advertising review of each institution. In addition, advertising costs are high, so you can improve your brand image by making people think, "I can buy products from a company that advertises on television with confidence." On the other hand, web media is easy to start with a small budget. It is easy to fine-tune and improve targeting, but without the know-how, ads may be delivered to the wrong places, which could damage your brand image.