Reminders are one of the main purposes of pop-up notifications. Daily Expenses is an example of a mobile app that relies on regular use. In these cases, when the app has not been used recently, on-screen reminders are convenient for the user.
In this example of a push notification, the reminder is phrased as a question. By asking “Do you want to add…?” or (in other examples) “Is it a good time to add…?”, they are showing a respectful tone and implicitly inviting the user to configure the app’s notifications as they see fit. The app’s multicoloured corporate image on the right-hand side helps reinforce this friendly positioning.
Huawei Health: Information reminder push notification
This example of a Huawei push notification is also a reminder, but it differs from the previous one in that it does not require any action from the user. Huawei’s health app can afford to send a daily notification to the recipient because it is giving them information that concerns them personally in a deep way: knowing that they have walked as kuwait telegram data much as they intended to in order to stay fit.
In any case, the significance of this pop-up notification goes beyond that. Upon receiving it, the recipient unconsciously remembers that the application that sent it has the capacity to collect relevant data to improve their health. Therefore, it is a way of “being seen” as a brand and an incentive to build user loyalty.
Mobile games have a disadvantage compared to the two examples of reminders above. They are applications that are limited to entertainment and the user wants to feel completely free to decide when to use them. Therefore, the reminder notification may be perceived as invasive.
This is offset by a lower sending frequency. In addition, in this example, the 2048 game makes use of the visual possibilities offered by Android notifications to make its message stand out. A different background colour and the use of images on both the left and right allow this notification to stand out on the user's screen, which contributes to the game being perceived as something special.
2048 also uses the keyword “relaxation” to remind us of the game’s value proposition and convey a gentler message.