6 Types of Emotions That Trigger Customers to Buy Easily

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6 Types of Emotions That Trigger Customers to Buy Easily

Post by testyedits »

Emotions are like purchase switches. When triggered, they act as triggers that encourage prospects to buy your product/service.

Humans analyze a product/service based on facts, but not logical facts that form the basis for human purchasing decisions.

But, emotions are a factor in a person's purchasing decision.

Why do some people choose to buy an iPhone over other brands of smartphones?

Why do some people really want to buy a BMW and not other cars? Cars are all the same, the purpose of buying a car is to easily move from one place to another.

You can buy any type of car, but why choose certain brands?

All of these are emotions. Pride, Ego, Happiness and costa rica telegram database you name it, whatever emotion there is.

Anyway, there are 6 basic emotions that can be used in advertising sentences to encourage customers to buy a product/service.

#1. Fun

This emotion is widely used in advertisements for children's toys and fast food such as KFC and McD.

Try watching their advertisements, they will show interesting features on their toys. Visuals of children's faces happy playing with the games they produce.

That's why KFC and McD always give out free toys for a limited time as an offer.

#2. Fear

Fear is one of the most effective emotions to get customers to buy a product/service.

This emotion is widely used in insurance advertisements. Any product that involves the future is suitable for using this type of emotion.

What do you mean by a product that involves the future?

This means that a product/service whose outcome is not visible now. However, if not purchased, it may involve a major loss or disaster in the future.
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