What is Breadcrumb? Why is Breadcrumb Important?

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What is Breadcrumb? Why is Breadcrumb Important?

Post by arafathossain »

Pinar Keles
Updated Date
January 19, 2024
Reading Time
Read in 5 minutes
Breadcrumbs, which are used as a navigation tool on websites, allow users to follow the navigation path. The breadcrumb concept is named after the breadcrumbs in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale. Breadcrumbs appear as text or links to users visiting a website and provide information about the hierarchical position of the page users are browsing.

In this article titled What is Breadcrumb? Why is Breadcrumb Important, we will give you detailed information about breadcrumb, which is a very important concept for SEO studies. You can also review our article and get uk whatsapp phone number information about how to use it while understanding why you should use breadcrumb on your site.

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Working Principle and Usage Purposes of Breadcrumb

Working Principle and Usage Purposes of Breadcrumb

Breadcrumb works on the principle of creating a hierarchical structure to show users the current location and navigation path of the pages they are on. Determining the page hierarchy, understanding the location of the current page, and using it as a return and navigation tool are the most common purposes of using breadcrumbs on websites.
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