Best practices for retargeting

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Best practices for retargeting

Post by udoy120 »

Once launched, campaigns can be enhanced with new content and duplicated across channels. All you need to do is increase your budget accordingly and refine your targeting. Here are some best practices before taking action:

Vary content and ads : create an ad group per content, to make the task easier. Then for the choice of content, be strategic. Each content must be selected according to your campaigns, its objectives and targeting!
Create content groups: Then, segment the ads based on the pages viewed on the site. This will be the same tactic as in marketing automation software.
Exclude the right people : like those who have already viewed or downloaded the content. No, you are not a spammer, and you don’t want to be seen as one. Or people who are not in the target or you usa email list r marketing area. No, targeting a student living in Peru is not always a good idea.
Monitor the cost of acquiring potential customers : at Plezi, we try to stay under €10/prospect.
Take care of your ads: define relevant hooks and remember to refresh your publications every 2-3 months. The goal is to be recognized by prospects. To achieve this, take care of the tone and visuals of your ads. Also use your colors and your logo, so that people remember you. Don't hesitate to use a fun tone, different hooks to stand out from your competitors.
illustrations - linkedin post - retargetingRetargeting is a key element of a good digital strategy. Especially in BtoB, where sales cycles are long and require a real multichannel marketing strategy. With this guide, you now know what you have to do: get started with remarketing, and create your first retargeting campaigns!
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