Useful PHP plugins for programmer work

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Useful PHP plugins for programmer work

Post by moniya12 »

To install extensions, go to File -> Preferences -> Extensions. If you are working on a Mac, go to the View -> Extensions tab. The system will display a whole list of popular and recently appeared plugins for working on PHP.

Let's look at the plugins that are necessary for a programmer when writing PHP code in projects:

EditorConfig For VS Code
Extension functions: customize spaces and line breaks.

A file with a set of element settings for most utilities in which code is written. Collects settings from the .editconfig document located in the root folder of the project. For novice developers, it is important to know one trick when working with this plugin: PHP code is executed on *nix systems, so it is recommended to use PHP Standards Recommendations.

Extension features: autocompletion and code analysis.

The plugin allows you to navigate to the location where a canada consumer email list function, variable or class was created using the hot keys Alt + Click the mouse button. The utility already has built-in support for PHP code, it is recommended to disable it to avoid duplication of hints.

PHP Debug - debugger
To use the extension, it is recommended to install XDebug.

In the Debug section, you need to add a configuration for PHP. The .vscode/launch.json file will appear in the root of the project directory. It has standard parameters. You need to add the settings from XDebug to it so that the tool and the plugin can communicate with each other.

The plugin can check the code from point to point and find errors in it, pointing them out to the programmer.

CodeSniffer for PHP.
Extension functions: responsible for a uniform coding style.

To make the plugin work, install the linter composer global require "squizlabs/php_codesniffer=*. Then install CodeSniffer.

Semicolon Insertion Shortcut.
Extension functions: responsible for the correctness of the syntax.

The plugin adds ";" at the end of a line when the developer presses Ctrl + ";" and automatically moves the cursor to a new line.
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