This makes digital signatures more secure than handwritten ones. This is because there is no reliable way to verify a handwritten signature, let alone a way to know if the document has not been tampered with.
Handwritten signatures are unique to each person (writing style, writing speed, etc.). However, once the signature is on paper, it is easily forged with tracing paper .
Handwritten signatures therefore pose a problem of repudiation. One can algeria whatsapp number data 5 million simply claim that someone has copied one's signature, and it would be difficult to prove otherwise.
That's why we need digital signatures.
Digital signature and electronic signature: What is the difference?
We have already mentioned that a digital signature is a type of electronic signature. It is important to clearly differentiate between the two, since not every electronic signature is automatically a digital signature.
An electronic signature is any kind of expression, not just a signature itself. It can be a PIN code, a password or even a simple image of your signature:
Example of a simple electronic signature
Here is a quick comparison between electronic signature and digital.
Example of a simple electronic signature
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