6 Steps to Make Your Projects a Reality - Teamleader

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6 Steps to Make Your Projects a Reality - Teamleader

Post by aktAkterSabiha20 »

Manage your ideas, not your time. You cannot manage your time, time is a physical magnitude that you cannot modify unless you are able to go at the speed of light - we are working on it. The only thing you can manage are your ideas to decide what you are going to do with them throughout the 24 hours a day that you have available.
It's just that I didn't have time
In the previous post we suggested that you start the year with a reflection on that lebanon telegram mobile phone number list purpose that you want to put into practice in 2017. I am sure that 365 days ago you also made a similar reflection that was not carried out, shouting “I just haven’t had time! If only days lasted 26 hours…”


Although you know that if you had worked 26-hour days you wouldn't have made it either...

What happened?
Just reality. Even though you wish it were, your daily life is far from being a neat diary. It's more like a scraggly notebook page filled with hastily written lines, marginal notes, corrections and cross-outs. A place where it's impossible to find a space to carry out that pending project. "I would do it, really, but there's no more room on the page!" And you don't know where to start anymore, there are so many things that need to be done, that you just let it go one more day. Day after day.

The two illustrations below contain the same words that should be included in the project as seen from the project management tool. Choose the one you like best.

Your project no longer excites you; it is now a remote threat of a tsunami of tasks looming over your daily chaos.
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