Managing happiness in the company: why do many organizations look for an expert?

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jrine 01
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Managing happiness in the company: why do many organizations look for an expert?

Post by jrine 01 »

We explain the growing importance of managing happiness at work, who is responsible for it within the organization and what characteristics they should have.

Why do companies seek to improve their employees' happiness at work?
What is a Chief Happiness Officer (CHO) and what are his/her functions? He/she is the director of happiness at work.
Keeping employees motivated and happy with their work is the beginning of the virtuous circle of productivity . But it is not an easy job, which is why many organizations look for an expert to help them manage happiness in the company . In the end, the result is good for both employees and business.

Human resource management is becoming increasingly important in companies . And this work goes far beyond the administrative work of payroll , vacations or permits . It is about encouraging employees to be happy in the organization, managing happiness in the company, for which many organizations look for an expert aruba email list 38244 contact leads in the field, the Chief Happiness Officer (CHO), the Director of Happiness at Work .

What are the benefits of having happy employees in the company?
The reality is that having employees who are motivated and committed to the company and its values ​​means that we have more productive employees . Going to work goes from being an obligation to something we want to do, an activity that we are happy with and enjoy. And this translates into improved performance .
It's not just about attracting talent by offering social benefits . It's true that employees value things like having health insurance, facilities to balance their personal and work lives , or promoting healthy living in the company. All of this helps, but day-to-day work and maintaining a good atmosphere within the work team are more important. And this is where the figure of the director of happiness at work comes in.


This is the person who has to lead the team and promote the conditions that facilitate the creation of this good working environment , which makes employees happy in their jobs. It is not an easy task and to achieve it, a series of characteristics are needed to lead this human team.
The CHO must have good analytical skills to determine what is wrong and what can be improved. It is essential that he has personal skills, capable of motivating and inspiring, communicating and having empathy towards others. Active listening is one of the most important characteristics to be able to develop his work. In addition, he is always open to change , to new ideas and has the ability to plan and work in a team .
The training required for a position of this type must be related to Labour Relations, Psychology or Business Administration and Management. However, the candidate must also have training in coaching, leadership or communication in order to be able to manage the human team under his/her responsibility.
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