ISBN – The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique trade book identifier barcode. Each ISBN code uniquely identifies a book. An ISBN is either 10 or 13 digits long. All ISBNs assigned after January 1, 2007 are 13 digits long. Typically, the ISBN is printed on the back cover of the book.
ASIN – Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items on Amazon. For books, an ASIN is the same as an ISBN number, but for all other products, a new ASIN is created when the item is uploaded to the catalog. When creating a new ASIN, you will need to know your product’s GTINs, or Global Trade Item Numbers. The most common GTINs used are UPCs, ISBNs, and EANs. These types of codes are usually found next to the barcode on your product’s packaging. Amazon uses these universal product identifiers (GTINs) to create and match its own unique ASIN codes.
Bottom Line: GTIN is a family of numbers and includes UPCs, EANs, and .
GTINs (UPCs and EAN barcodes) are used united kingdom phone number library on all products. Whether you've created a DVD, sell clothing, food, hardware, electronics, accessories, etc., you'll use a UPC (or EAN) barcode for your product.
What is UPC?
UPC Number (Universal Product Code) is the name given to the standard barcode image of a 12-digit GTIN used by American and Canadian companies.
The first 6-9 digits of a UPC code are called the Company Prefix, which remains constant across any UPC number owned. The next group of numbers that follow are product numbers assigned to a unique product selected by the buyer. The final digit in the UPC is called the check digit, which is a calculation based on the 11 digits preceding it.
What is EAN?
EAN, which stands for European Article Number, is the name given to the standard barcode image that represents the 13-digit GTIN on most products you buy from stores in the UK and around the world, excluding North America.
What is ISBN?