In general terms, a PPC campaign consists of hiring an agency to manage your SEM ads.
Ads on these types of platforms work on an auction basis. If you want to place the same ad for a certain search, you will have to compete with other advertisers to appear more frequently and offer a higher price per click.
Additionally, when your ad appears, its effectiveness phone number database india is measured based on impressions and clicks . That is, the number of times it appears and the number of times it is clicked. The more effective an ad is, the better price you are offered for each click.
Finally, you also need to target your ad. On search engines like Google, you need to choose which searches your ad appears on--some searches are more expensive because they're competitive, while others don't have the necessary search volume. Your PPC campaign needs to find a balance between this supply and demand.
What to expect from a SEM service
A SEM agency is responsible for managing all these elements of your campaign.
At first, it's normal to get mediocre results since you're starting from scratch. And over time, your SEM PPC agency will take care of improving performance by doing several tasks each month:
Finding the best format for your ads
Conduct keyword research and target your ad
Analyze results to improve ad performance
Report the results and propose changes
How much does it cost to do SEM
Search Engine Marketing is characterized by being a bit expensive, but with immediate results. Since your ads appear at the top of the search results on Google or Facebook, users will start interacting with them within minutes.
A PPC campaign usually consists of two main costs:
Ad Budget : What will be paid to the platform to publish the ads
Management : What you will pay the agency for managing the ads
To run a SEM marketing campaign, each agency has different rates and conditions. But in most cases, a minimum amount is required for the advertising budget. And based on that amount, the management cost is calculated.
Typically, management is proportional to the size of the campaign, and this is where each professional chooses what they want to charge for their services. Some prefer to agree on a fixed fee per contract, while others charge a direct percentage of the advertising budget.
Generally speaking, a minimum amount to invest in PPC would be around €400 per month . This includes both costs.
SEO costs: SEO positioning and on-page SEO
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consists of a series of actions aimed at making your website rank better in search engines and therefore receive more visits.
While a PPC campaign seeks to pay search engines directly to appear on the first page, here the goal is to optimize your site in such a way that it appears organically, without the need for ads.