The signature story is too abstract

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The signature story is too abstract

Post by arzina566 »

I list 5 common mistakes with signature stories.

signature story

1. The signature story has no catchy beginning
The chronological order is often sacred: the first sentence starts at the starting point. Sounds logical, but that is rarely an approach that immediately grabs your reader by the scruff of the neck.

Too bad, because the first sentence should be a blast and make your reader curious right away. At the editorial office where I used to work, we called that the James Bond opening: every film immediately overwhelms you with an action scene. Don't worry, it can also be done with a remarkable sentence. Or with something else that immediately arouses the desire to read on.

Here is a story that immediately makes you curious for more:

Crisis manager Helmi Geeve found herself in unusual situations all the time. At the Hilton Hotel in Rotterdam, she had to sell rooms while a huge mouse plague had broken out. Then she had to deal with doctors who abused patients and chased each other with cutting knives.

Source: Helmi Geeve, owner of reputation agency Rep en Roer .

It is tempting: using general and abstract poland telegram data words, such as sustainability, social impact and customer focus. You cover a lot with it at once, so that you rush through your career.

After having worked with great pleasure as a project developer, I grew as a development manager. At the moment I am active as a concept development manager. Our team helps to translate the client's wishes programmatically and spatially, whereby we always look for the right balance between the investment assignment and the client's interests.


Source: LinkedIn profile of a concept development manager at a housing association.

In fact, it is all correct. But your reader's brain does not pick it up. Because this reader cannot play these words like a movie in his head. And that is how we process our information to a large extent: mainly visually. We want to see something directly. Or we want to 'see something for ourselves', namely in our imagination.

Stop with vague generalities
From now on, leave the dictionary with vague generalities aside. Rather, sketch in your signature story how you struggled with a development assignment for residents.
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