Add your CP to your email correctly

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Add your CP to your email correctly

Post by rakibhasan02 »

Important question: should a commercial proposal be inserted into the body of the letter or attached to it as an attachment?

Since the commercial proposal is a document, it is most convenient to read it by printing it out. If you simply insert the sales text into an email newsletter, such information is less businesslike in nature, and the text may not be formatted when printed. In this case, you need to use special HTML templates for letters, which are easy to create in an email provider. It is recommended to add a corporate design to the template and send it to your customer base.

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Typically, commercial offers are sent by e-mail, following the following algorithm:

Write a short cover letter (no more than penetration data 6 sentences) or use a template for sending out.
Attach the commercial proposal in PDF format.
Tips for sending a commercial proposal
Tips for sending a commercial proposal
Please write your cover letter to include the following information:


name and details of your company;
personalized message to the recipient company;
outgoing letter number in the correspondence registration log;
date of departure;
a title like: “Cover letter for a commercial proposal from company X”;
main text - brief information about your company, products or services, benefits of cooperation with you;
conclusion - signature of the company director indicating the position, as well as the contacts of the responsible person.
Don't forget to attach a catalog and price list of your company's products or services to your cover letter.
Another tactic is to create a commercial offer of the company in the form of a separate sales page or on the official website. In this case, you can send a short letter with an intriguing title and a call to click on the link.

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A commercial proposal is an important step in the interaction between a company and its clients. The interest of the target audience and their subsequent actions in the sales funnel depend on how the commercial proposal is composed. This article contains detailed information on how to write a commercial proposal correctly and what aspects need to be taken into account. This approach will help avoid ineffective mass mailings and will also help expand the company's client base.
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