Why choose Tutanota desktop clients?
Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 7:57 am
utanota desktop clients are amazing tools as they come with a ton of benefits compared to webmail access. Check here how our open source desktop clients for Linux, Windows and macOS can speed up and improve your workflow, especially for business use.
Advantages of desktop clients
Tutanota desktop clients can be downloaded from our website . Once installed, the open source clients allow you to better integrate Tutanota into your computer and speed up your workflow.
For help, please see our desktop client FAQ section .
Update December 15 , 2022: We are working on an import feature for Tutanota desktop clients.
Updated November 28, 2022 : All Tutanota desktop clients small business email list as well as the Android and iOS apps now support offline mode.
Update March 8, 2022: All Tutanota desktop clients, as well as the Android and iOS apps, now also support U2F, the most secure form of two-factor authentication .
List of advantages
Overall, Tutanota's desktop clients make your email experience much more pleasant, especially compared to using Tutanota in a browser.
Push notifications for emails and calendar events
Open files as attachments in Tutanota
Uses system secret storage
Spell checker for multiple languages
Set Tutanota as default email manager
Automatic signature verification when updating the client for added security
Installation policy for business use
Desktop clients allow us to integrate deeper into the operating system for a much better user experience. We focused on improving Tutanota's desktop clients also because Tutanota doesn't support IMAP, and for good reason.
Advantages of desktop clients
Tutanota desktop clients can be downloaded from our website . Once installed, the open source clients allow you to better integrate Tutanota into your computer and speed up your workflow.
For help, please see our desktop client FAQ section .
Update December 15 , 2022: We are working on an import feature for Tutanota desktop clients.
Updated November 28, 2022 : All Tutanota desktop clients small business email list as well as the Android and iOS apps now support offline mode.
Update March 8, 2022: All Tutanota desktop clients, as well as the Android and iOS apps, now also support U2F, the most secure form of two-factor authentication .
List of advantages
Overall, Tutanota's desktop clients make your email experience much more pleasant, especially compared to using Tutanota in a browser.
Push notifications for emails and calendar events
Open files as attachments in Tutanota
Uses system secret storage
Spell checker for multiple languages
Set Tutanota as default email manager
Automatic signature verification when updating the client for added security
Installation policy for business use
Desktop clients allow us to integrate deeper into the operating system for a much better user experience. We focused on improving Tutanota's desktop clients also because Tutanota doesn't support IMAP, and for good reason.