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Department Blog

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 8:20 am
by tasnimsanika1
You probably follow, or even know, more than one influencer whose bio indicates that they are a blogger, but do they have a blog? What is a blog? Can I create a blog myself? Is it complicated to create a blog? Does it cost money? Are all blogs the same? Can you make money with a blog? What is it for? And more importantly, is it worth it?

The answer to all these and other questions is simpler than you think, and so as not to bore you, I will answer them one by one, so that you can go directly to the one you prefer. Are you up for it?

What is a blog?
Believe it or not, it is important to clearly define what a blog is, especially to differentiate it from what it is not.

Simply put, a blog is a website where you can publish your ideas, content and opinions of all kinds, from a personal point of view, different from any other.

One characteristic that is considered to be different in a blog is that these publications, also known as entries, posts or articles, will be displayed in reverse chronological order, that is, the first thing that will be seen at the top or initial part of the blog will be the last publication, the most recent one.

In addition, blogs often allow you to organize posts into taxonomies, which is any way of classifying content, such as categories or tags, to make it easier for visitors to read the content that most interests them by topic, without having to simply read by chronology.

A blog post is typically composed of text, but can also contain images, video, or even multimedia content taken from other media.

Another distinctive feature of blogs is the possibility for visitors to leave comments on each post, thus generating a conversation in which, based on the content put forward by the blogger, the audience contributes its impressions, enriching the content as a whole.

In the beginning, blogs were also called logbooks, because they were a kind of personal diary, but currently the concept has been extended to include any web page that meets the characteristics we have seen.

What are the most popular types of blogs?
Well, yes, not all blogs are the same, and depending on the objective, there are several types of blogs that you can find and/or create. The most common ones are these:

Personal blog
These are perhaps the best known, and here you will find everything from blogs to declare your love for a cat, to blogs by influencers, through to blogs by journalists, blogs by fans of television series, all of them with an essential characteristic, and that is that the opinions expressed in them are solely and exclusively those of the author of the blog, with all the added value that this implies in a world as mediatized and controlled as the current one. In a personal blog you will not find "the answer" but you will find possible answers, in which the author is committed to his idea, and that always has a value of authenticity, so absent today.

Thematic blog
Most business blogs tend to be topic-based, whether they are about technology, celebrity, or political opinions.

Blog of signatures
These are very common in traditional media, when a renowned author deserves his own space, with certain customizations of appearance and a certain editorial control. The same media set up a blog for each recognized author and then highlight them on the front page of the mainstream media.

Corporate Blog
This would be the business version of the personal blog, in which your company feeds content to search engines and social profiles, which will always link to your blog, thus reinforcing your content and allowing you to manage comments from your own environment.

SEO Blog
This is a specific type of blog to improve the search engine positioning of your content. Normally, in-depth articles are written to cover topics of interest to users about services or products that you or your company offers, taking advantage of the opportunity to link to your web pages, always from content related to your market niche. The underlying idea is to provide value with interesting and quality content, which is appreciated by both users and search engines, and which positions you as an expert in your sector.

Support Blog
What better place than your own blog to handle support requests! Not only will you be able to control the conversation, but also the search engine ranking of complaints, and in the process you will gradually generate a knowledge base on support for your products or services, reusable by both customers and employees. By the way, a support blog is always more controllable than a forum, where you completely lose control of the conversation and the scope of possible complaints.

FAQ Blog
Whether it's from the knowledge acquired on the support blog, or from any other means, it's always good to create a blog in which you publish articles that answer the questions that users ask most often in the main search engines' search boxes. Thus, little by little, in this special SEO blog, you will always appear as the reference source about you, your brand, and what you offer.

Blog of «facts»
Based on the fact that what you don't say about yourself, others will say, it is essential when your brand has a certain relevance and, consequently, there are already others talking - sometimes even badly - about you, to start creating a blog in which you contradict with "facts" the possible bad reputation that your brand or your services and products have. This type of blog became very popular after those created by the communication team of Barack Obama's first electoral campaign, with the aim of countering the hoaxes that could be found about him in the media and search engines. With time, and intensive work in generating content, you will be able to appear in search engines before the hoaxes or complaints about you.

CEO Blog
Who better than the CEO of your company to talk about it, right? Bear in mind malaysia whatsapp number data that the CEO of the company is usually (should be) a reference in the sector, and consequently all his opinions, predictions and analysis, so having such quality of knowledge shared on the company website, from the CEO's blog, can have a great positive impact on the image of your business.


Perhaps less impactful than the CEO's blog, but sometimes really interesting are the corporate blogs of departments, where other professionals from your company carry out the informative work on the company's products and services, the work philosophy and even interesting curiosities, which are not usually shared in public. In doing so, you reinforce the professional visibility of your managers and employees.

Blog «B»
A special type of corporate blog is the "B" blog or "geek" blog, a kind of informal corporate blog where employees can share all kinds of content that, without straying from the brand's philosophy and image, offer a closer view of customers, which can generate empathy in both directions.

What is the difference between a blog and a website?