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Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 9:57 am
by Rubina 4455
那是 2004 年 4 月。Facebook(当时称为“The Facebook”)刚刚上线两个月,当时的用户只有一小部分大学生。

但正是这个引了 Facebook 的首个社交媒体广告商:青年营销机构 MRY(当时称为 Mr. Youth)。


对于一家青少年营销机构来说,在 Facebook 上只向大学年龄的成年人做广告是具有成本效益的,即使该平台当时的用户不到一百万。

如今,Facebook 的用户数量有所增加——截至 2020 年第一季度,月活跃用户数量为 28 亿——Facebook 广告也随着用户群的增长而增长。该平台 2021 年的全球广告收入预计将达到946 亿美元。

预计 2021 年 Facebook 全球广告收入将达到 946 亿美元。
然而,Facebook 和所有社交媒体广告的核心吸引力仍然是一样的:针对特定的客户群体。


当然,Facebook 不再是唯一的社交媒体平台。Instagram、LinkedIn、Pinterest、Twitter、Snapchat 以及现在的 TikTok 的出现为数字营销人员提供了更多渠道来接触细分市场。

然而,随着平台增多、新技术、新工艺的出现以及竞争愈发激烈,如今打入社交媒体广告市场比 17 年前困难得多。

仅仅了解目标受众是不够的。您还必须了解购买广告的社交媒体平台。每个平台都不同,具有独特的最佳实践。即使运用了他们所知道的一切,世界上最大的 Facebook 广告商也可能会在 TikTok 上失败。




Marc Barraza,MarketerHire付费媒体总监
Ashley Elfend,付费社交媒体顾问
SAP全球综合媒体经理Sabrina Reid
5 项必不可少的社交媒体广告技巧


付费社交媒体营销人员花费很多钱。很多。想想看,职业生涯中花费 1 亿美元或更多。

经验丰富的社交媒体广告商知道如何根据业务目标和最新的绩效数据(例如客户获取成本 (CAC) 和广告支出回报率 (ROAS))在无数的广告活动和平台上明智地分配(并重新分配)预算。

根据 Elfend 的说法,这里有一个不变的事实:你在吸引新客户上所花的钱应该是维护老客户的 4 倍。

她说:“最重要的事情可能是让你的账户遵循 80/20 规则。”


80% 的付费社交预算应该用于寻找全新客户
你的付费社交预算的 20%应该用于重新吸引和重新定位那些已经听说过你的客户
为什么要花这么多精力寻找新客户?“如果你能在第一次互动中就吸引住人们,那就太棒了,”Elfend 说。“这就是我们的目标。”


当然,这只是冰山一角。没有一个最佳的预算分配。艾尔芬德指出,在特殊情况下,专家甚至会选择打破80/20 规则。

“当黑色星期五到来时,你希望你的再营销受众尽可能大,”她说。“你不会再是 80/20 的比例了——你可能会变成 60/40。”



“你必须能够查看数据、分析数据、从数据中获取结论,然后将其应用到未来的活动中,”Elfend 说。

为了获取有关其营销活动的相关数据,您的专家需要了解 Google Analytics、他们选择的付费社交平台以及经典的 Excel,Reid 指出。

“我想说,我从一开始就学到的最重要的技能就是理解 Excel 和使用数据透视表的本质,”她说。“这确实教会了你所有的指标以及这些指标是如何关联的。”

“我想说,我从一开始就学到的最重要的技能就是理解 Excel 和使用数据透视表的本质。这确实教会了你所有指标以及这些指标之间的关系。”
数据透视表在比较不同时间和不同平台的绩效指标时特别有用。Reid 使用它们来发现每日和每周的绩效变化。


3. 活动结构。


Elfend 观察到的一些总体趋势……





“I used to work with a company that was very Gen Z,” Reid said. “They were selling puberty products to teenagers and stuff like that.” That meant she had to write in a youthful, playful tone — ”being clever, having cute emojis.”

True experts in paid social are like chameleons, shifting from goofy to stately, and emojis to data, in the blink of an eye.

They don’t have to create every ad from scratch, though. Knowing when to repurpose copy is just as important as knowing when to write it.

Often, paid social experts use templates to speed up content creation, or boost organic social media posts. An organic social media presence and a paid social media marketing strategy go hand in hand — though actually running a brand’s organic social media accounts is a job for a social media manager, not a paid social expert.

5. People skills.
Maybe it’s obvious, but communication skills are a must for social media advertising, or any advertising, really.

It’s not just the customers that social media advertisers need to connect with. It’s also the clients.

“Having strong people skills, being able to communicate effectively in meetings and not just reading through your numbers” — that’s key, Elfend said.

A true paid social expert can tell a story with their data, one that encompasses platform-level changes — like Facebook’s recent ad reporting update, prompted by Apple’s iOS14.5 — and nitty-gritty performance metrics.

One that’s not boring.

They also ask questions early on to understand of your overall business. Why did you start it? Why have you set the goals you've set? Then they communicate accordingly.

“Being able to connect with [a client] and make them feel like you're a part of their team, versus just another person they're hiring as a consultant, I think is really important,” Elfend said.

Which social platform best fits your goals?
When you’re ready to hire a social media advertising expert, it’s important to choose one who specializes in the channels you’re targeting.

But what if you don’t know which social media channel is right for your business?

Here’s a quick run-down of some of the most popular social channels and the business goals they serve best, according to our experts.

1. Facebook and Instagram ads.
Best for: broad reach

In terms of size, Facebook is the largest social media platform, with Facebook-owned Instagram not far behind in fifth place.

Source: Datareportal, Hootsuite and We Are Social’s “Digital 2021: Global Overview Report,” slide 93
That makes Facebook Ads — which places paid ads on both social platforms — ideal for achieving broad reach, though the algorithm’s microtargeting capabilities lets marketers find lucrative niches, too.

“Facebook is such a big player in the advertising world, we can’t pull off,” Structured Social partner Nick Shackelford told MarketerHire.

In other words, he couldn’t quit Facebook if he wanted to. It’s integral to digital growth, and so easy to use that he argues some businesses were built over the last few years that shouldn’t have been.

However, Facebook and Instagram’s size is a double-edged sword. “It's a very, very saturated market for advertising,” said Elfend.

So how can you stand out if you’re advertising on these platforms?

“Now more than ever, the way to succeed on Facebook and Instagram is creative,” Elfend explained. “The way to succeed on those platforms [...] is having that strong, creative eye as a media buyer.”

2. Snapchat and TikTok.
Best for: reaching young people

“If you're going out to Gen Z or the younger groups, Snapchat and TikTok might be the place you start,” according to Marc Barraza.

Snapchat and TikTok have widespread adoption with users under 25, and especially with teenagers — and it’s often cheaper for marketers to reach them on those apps than on Facebook.

An expert knows that succeeding on youth-oriented platforms takes the right kind of creative, though: creative that looks native. It shouldn’t visibly stand out from organic social media content, or interrupt a user’s feed.

The ideal Snapchat or TikTok ad “doesn't look like an ad,” Elfend said. “It's not glaring in your face. It doesn't feel like it's highly styled.”

“It's not glaring in your face. It doesn't feel like it's highly styled.”
Often, successful ads reference whatever’s trending, whether it’s breaking news or a new single from Lil Nas X.

It definitely doesn’t feel like a Facebook or Twitter ad, either. Experts don’t reuse ad creative from those platforms on these ones — they create something new.

3. LinkedIn.
Best for: account-based marketing (ABM)

“If you're working in the B2B world, LinkedIn's capabilities are tremendous,” said Reid, “because they have ABM capabilities.”

LinkedIn is dedicated exclusively to business and careers — and users typically keep their employment information up to date on their profiles.

That puts it in a unique position to serve B2B needs, especially when it comes to targeted advertising.

Essentially, advertisers can just upload a list of companies and specific roles within them that they want to target, and LinkedIn makes it happen.

“It’s really the only platform that does that,” Reid said.

4. Twitter.
Best for: established brands trying to maintain broad awareness

Twitter 上的广告与其他社交媒体平台略有不同,这是因为 Twitter 用户的心态不同。Barraza 表示,Twitter 用户对广告的反应较弱,因为他们不想影响 Twitter 的使用体验。

“Twitter 的主要特点是人们想继续使用 Twitter,”他说。“人们并不想上 Twitter 后再点击一堆网站。”

“Twitter 最重要的一点就是人们想继续使用 Twitter。”
另一方面,在 Facebook 和 Instagram 上,人们习惯于购物,或从平台跳转到新闻网站阅读文章。

(相关内容:Twitter不像 Facebook 和 Instagram 那样提供应用内数字店面。)

到目前为止,巴拉扎发现付费 Twitter 最适合“知名品牌”,而对于其他所有人来说,最好是依靠有影响力的人物。

“无论如何,只要你能成为 Twitter 上拥有大量粉丝的大玩家,你就应该在 Twitter 上投入广告费。”



除了出色的视觉呈现效果外,Pinterest 还以其便 电话营销短信电话号码数据

“关键词定位是 Pinterest 上最好的定位类型,”Elfend 说。“本质上,Pinterest 就像一个搜索引擎一样使用。 ”


“从本质上来说,Pinterest 就像一个搜索引擎。”
这意味着,就像SEO 营销一样,在 Pinterest 上投放更具体、使用量更低的关键词更有意义,比如“蓝色维多利亚沙发”而不是“沙发”。这样,您更有可能接触到想要您销售的产品的客户。

不过,转化率不应该是 Pinterest 广告商的首要任务。“Pinterest 的主要优势在于提升品牌知名度,而不是真正推动转化率,”Elfend 说道。

付费社交变化太快,DIY 爱好者无从应对
显然,自 2004 年以来,社交媒体世界发生了很大变化。我们谈论的不仅仅是 Facebook 从其名称中去掉“the”。


MarketerHire 可让您轻松找到最适合您的社交媒体专家。我们的社区包括社交媒体广告专业人士,他们精通所有可以想象到的渠道(甚至是 Clubhouse!)。


Matt Ellis 是一名自由内容作家,专注于数字营销主题。十多年来,他一直通过电子书、网站文案和博客文章(例如本文)分享他的行业知识。