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Watch the full interview now to find

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 10:19 am
by rh06022005
out if you’ve got the skills to become an accomplished leader and entrepreneur!

Video Transcript:
CAROLINE: Hi, welcome to "Growth Marketing Chat mexico phone number search Today I'm here with Dr. Ryan Hungate, is the CEO and founder of Simplifeye. Ryan, thank you so much for being with me today.

RYAN: Thanks for having me. Glad to be here.

CAROLINE: So I love interviewing founders. And my favorite question for founders is like, can you tell me more about your journey and how you became an entrepreneur?


RYAN: Yeah, I've got a very odd background. So, I'm an orthodontist. So that's one of the weird, rare things, I guess, about me. But prior to all of that, I actually worked at a small company called Apple. So I was out in Cupertino and worked directly for a gentleman named Ron Johnson. It was a lot of fun. I was there during a pretty cool time, from 2007 to 2008. And for all of the Apple historians out there, that was when the iPhone came out. So we went from having a decent amount of people in our stores to an insane amount of people in our stores. And there was like this crazy growth period while we were there.

So I was directly responsible for the Apple retail workflow upfront. So when I first got there, our number one-complaint was I can't find anybody to help me within the store. And it just didn't make a lot of sense to me because we had 40 people working upfront in every single store. So being a pre-med major at Ball State, I thought, well, hospitals have figured this out. They have triage. What if we triage people? And so we started with a couple of stores, we started setting people up front. We would ask them what they wanted. We would use walkie-talkies at the time. We didn't have iPhones with app stores or iPads or anything like that. So we used limo signs, and where basically I would say, hey, Tom Smith wants an iPhone. Somebody, whoever was on iPhone, they would write it really quick on a sign, hold up the sign, just like a limo driver. And we would run over to them. And we found that helped get people more attention. There was still some people that would slip through the cracks, but it was kind of intentional. So we would do that.