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Highlights of the 2015 Marketing & Tech Innovation Summit

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 9:33 am
by rabia198
The Direct email_240215Marketing News 2015 Marketing & Tech Innovation Summit has just been held in New York and here we collect the three most relevant aspects that we have considered from what was shared by the seven finalists in the Email Marketing category in the Direct Marketing News magazine.

First of all, we were struck by the fact that Inter Continental Hotel Group has put the emphasis on the department to which they have assigned email marketing in their company. In practically all of our clients, email marketing is managed by the digital marketing or e-commerce department. However, IHG has decided to incorporate it into the loyalty department , where other mozambique business email list channels (direct marketing and call center) converge. At Digital Response, we believe that the more coordinated the departments that manage direct and interactive marketing are (web, social networks, e-commerce, call center, email marketing), the greater coherence and effectiveness can be obtained from the global communication strategy.


We found the work carried out by the financial services company Citi very suggestive. Word processing work was carried out using a third-party algorithm , generating multiple variations of the same message. After a filtering phase, it was decided to test 16 different versions of the subject. This work culminated in a 65% increase in success in a specific type of message, those that evoked emotions. In addition to the work carried out, it is worth highlighting the value of the emotion expressed as an element that induces action/response. You can read an article dedicated to this case at this link .

Another aspect that is highlighted in the article regarding the testing of issues is the importance of being guided by numbers (statistics) and not by subjective elements. In fact, some of the issues that worked best were initially discarded by the management team because they did not fit what they considered a good issue.

We thought it would be interesting to highlight three very different aspects, some more sophisticated than others, because they exemplify the diversity of aspects that we can work on to improve campaigns.