Once you have this data, you set up a strategy to find out a little more about them; their interests, needs, concerns... in this way, you show them content that is of interest to them by combining TOFU, MOFU and BOFU elements to guide them through the entire purchasing process and achieve a sale. In this sense, lead management is nothing more than a series of methodologies that help us to get a lead to become a real client.
So, - Lead Generation : We capture data so we can manage it later. - Query Management : We answer leads' questions. - Classification and segmentation of leads : We separate the leads into groups to make netherlands telegram data communication more personalized and relevant. - Lead Nurturing : We send the information they need when they need it. - Lead Distribution : We provide you with a team of people to assist you.
How to reactivate cold leads To start, we recommend that you clean up your database . The smaller it is, the more likely we are to obtain hot leads or end customers. Segmentation also plays a key role. Classifying your leads according to their interests, age, , whether they are closer to a sale or not, etc., will help you establish certain actions that will allow you to get closer to the lead and guide them correctly through the sales funnel so that they become a customer.