Prospecting Mistake #1: Not Taking Care of Your Network
Prospecting Mistake #2: Looking to Sell Right Away
Prospecting Mistake #3: Not Personalizing Your Exchanges
Prospecting Mistake #4: Stalking Your Contacts
Prospecting Mistake #5: Neglecting the Content of Your LinkedIn™ Posts
Prospecting mistake #6: Thinking short term
Prospecting Mistake #7: Relying Only on LinkedIn™
The 7 Mistakes You Shouldn't Make When Prospecting: In Conclusion
Prospecting mistakes: summarizing in 4 questions
LinkedIn ™ , you know, is a great tool for prospecting and effectively implementing a social selling strategy. But beware ! The path to social selling is sometimes littered with pitfalls. Like any prospecting job, a LinkedIn ™ approach is worked on daily, is adjusted according to many parameters and must respect a method. To help you in your practice, here are the 7 mistakes not to make when prospecting on LinkedIn ™ !
Don't Make These LinkedIn Prospecting Mistakes
Prospecting Mistake #1: Not Taking Care of Your Network
LinkedIn™ is first and foremost a social network that aims to connect professionals with each other. Your network is made up of your partners , your prospects, your clients, people who share the same interests as you, etc. Connect with people who match your goals and have something to offer you, and vice versa.
Taking care of your network also means interacting with it in a relevant way. Every day, develop your links by commenting, liking, sharing information. Respond to your potential customers' problems by spreading useful advice. Engage the conversation in a fluid and natural way, really putting the human aspect into each of your exchanges. Also, make sure you address the right person, the one with the power to make decisions, and create a special affinity with them.
Don't neglect your network: it's the key to your business' success on LinkedIn™. In fact, a mobile phone number database australia well-built network gives you visibility to your targets and direct connections with your prospects.
that meets your objectives, discover in this article the 12 steps to develop your professional LinkedIn ™ network .
Prospecting Mistake 2: Looking to Sell Right Away
For your LinkedIn ™ prospecting strategy to bear fruit and your sales to take off, don't try to sell ! It may seem counterproductive, but it's quite the opposite. In fact, understand that your target customers are not on LinkedIn ™ like on an e-commerce site: they are not looking to buy. She is present on LinkedIn ™ to find solutions to a problem.
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Before any B2B sale, it is essential to create a climate of trust with your prospects. This trust is built:
At your profile level. In fact, it is the basis of your presence on the network. Add a professional photo and a visual banner . Write a meaningful title and a compelling summary. You only have a few seconds to attract the visitor to your personal page. To have a perfect LinkedIn profile , download the checklist .
As for your posts and comments: share high added value content on LinkedIn™ that makes your target customers understand that you are a reference in the field that interests them. Show them that you understand their problem and that you have everything they need to solve it.
Once you have identified and added your ideal customer ( Buyer Persona ) to your network, regularly post relevant content to stay visible in their mind. Little by little, you are entering their regular LinkedIn™ landscape and you just have to get in touch with them to help them move forward in the sales funnel.
Prospecting through social selling on LinkedIn™ is a well-defined process that is built for the long term. If you are looking to sell your services and/or products right away, you are sticking to the traditional business scheme, which does not work with a social network like LinkedIn™.
Prospecting Mistake #3: Not Personalizi
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