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B2B Sales Funnel | The 6 Necessary Steps

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 4:33 am
by mstajminakter15
What is the B2B sales funnel?

A B2B sales funnel is a graphic representation that explains how your professional or business clients go from the first contact with your organization to the purchase of your product or service.

It is a useful and effective way to know where your prospects are during your process of convincing them to make a favorable decision, as well as being useful for activating actions based on the data you observe.
A B2B sales funnel requires collaborative work between the Sales and Marketing teams .

The Sales team, based on their experience and knowledge of customers, gmail email list must guide Marketing in developing the Buyer Persona , a fictitious representation of your ideal customer.

Marketing focuses on obtaining records and qualifying them (leads) to leave the best prospects for Sales.
Commercial visit phases
What is the B2B sales funnel?

Unlike the B2C sales funnel (aimed at the end consumer) in which the funnel is completed in just 3 steps ( I'm attracted to it, I'm interested, I want it... and I buy it), in the B2B environment the process is somewhat longer .
B2B Sales Funnel The 6 Necessary Steps 1

Professional clients or companies generally have more diverse, complex and detailed needs , the resolution of which requires much more work on our part. For example: the digitalization of their catalog and the automation of the sales process of their sellers.
The 6 steps of the B2B sales funnel with examples.

While the traditional sales funnel (for a B2C environment) has only 3 or 4 steps, the B2B sales funnel extends to 6 steps from the initial attraction to the signing of the order.
Below we list the 6 steps or stages of the B2B sales funnel: