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Digitaleo obtains the Responsible Digital Label - Level 2

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:59 am
by boxacak129
"The world has changed, this has awakened in me my desire to have an exemplary and proactive company on issues related to CSR. For me, a company has a social role in society, and must therefore be a driving force on all these issues. My conviction is that we can be a pioneer on this subject, show that it is feasible while developing the company and arouse vocations to do the same among our customers, competitors or partners. A company is above all the conjunction and addition of communities (employees, customers, suppliers and partners). We can make small progress and small actions individually, but collectively if everyone gets moving, we can do more ambitious things to serve the environment.” Jocelyn, Director of Digitaleo.

Jocelyn, Director of Digitaleo

As a digital player that now equips 20,000 points of sale in France buy belgium cell phone number list with an online communication and visibility tool, we are convinced that we have a role to play in pedagogy and awareness around digital practices. Our goal is to promote reasoned communication and to involve our customers in this process.

We wanted to give credibility to our approach to our stakeholders by getting support from third parties on various projects: carbon footprint, partners for CO2 reduction and capture, responsible digital labeling. Obtaining the Responsible Digital label has helped structure our CSR approach . It allows us to progress and go even further in our practices.

1. What is responsible digital?
2. Presentation of the Responsible Digital label
3. The different stages up to labeling
4. The consequences of the labeling for Digitaleo


1. What is responsible digital?
With the development of new information technologies (ICT), the Internet's share of global greenhouse gas emissions has continued to increase, reaching 4%, i.e. 50% more than global air transport emissions per year. And this figure is expected (excluding the Covid-19 effect) to double by 2025 1 . The concept of responsible digital technology was therefore created in response to the environmental challenges induced by the digital transformation . It brings together all the solutions that promote a more sober and less energy-intensive use of digital technology. Engaging in this approach aims to implement positive actions on many aspects:

reduce the environmental impact of the production of computer hardware and software,
improve the social impact , by ensuring the ethics of all the actors involved in the manufacture of its equipment,
ensure that digital technology is a vector of inclusion ,
reduce the need for resources, by integrating eco-design methods ,
make this approach a lever for innovation and employee engagement.


2. Presentation of the Responsible Digital label
The Responsible Digital label was created in June 2019 by the Responsible Digital Institute in partnership with the Ministry of Ecological Transition, ADEME and WWF. This is the first French label to support this approach.

It focuses on 3 main pillars:
People : to include people at the center of the process.
Planet : to preserve the environment.
Profit : to develop economic attractiveness.
It guarantees the credibility of a sustainable development approach in the sense that it proposes a list of rules that organizations must respect in order to qualify for the label. There are 60 companies with level 1 and 2 labels in 2022.


3. The different stages up to labeling
The beginnings of labeling
The process to obtain the Responsible Digital - Level 2 label was carried out in several phases. We started by participating in a program offered by BPI France, Agence Lucie and Goodwill-management which provides several training and support sessions for SMEs. The goal was first to understand the fundamentals of CSR and then to master the challenges and best practices of Responsible Digital . Having taken part in this type of program allowed us to gradually improve our skills but also to exchange and share with peers. Then, the Responsible Digital labeling process required going through a preparation phase that lasted between 6 and 7 months.

Training and self-diagnosis
After joining the LUCIE community, made up of stakeholders involved in CSR, we followed a training course in responsible digital technology with the LUCIE training center . Sharing the fundamentals of Responsible Digital Technology and presenting various tools allowed us to facilitate the next stage of self-diagnosis.

For the latter, the BPI-Lucie system, which we had joined, provided support from a Responsible Digital Technology consultant from the company GoodWillmanagement. The advantages of being guided by an expert were multiple: precisely identifying expectations, acquiring a certain methodology, gaining perspective, benefiting from advice and avenues for reflection on the actions implemented and the solutions to the problems encountered, obtaining recommendations or even being helped in carrying out the action plan. The framework for the Responsible Digital Technology 2

label is based on 4 main areas of work :
strategy and governance
support for responsible digital strategy
digital services lifecycle
extend its CSR approach
Each axis lists several Principles of Action (PA) which themselves refer to Types of Responsible Investments (TIR).

We began our individual support by determining the priority level (essential or important) of each Principle of Action, taking into account the context of Digitaleo. We continued by defining the maturity level (reasonable, partial or low) of each Type of Responsible Investments (TIR). The objective behind this step was to prioritize the progress actions to be implemented for the future.

This work also allowed us to develop our materiality matrix, a tool for integrating CSR into the organization's activity while including the characteristics of the stakeholders. Applied to responsible digital technology, this matrix is ​​a real steering tool for integrating the highest priority issues for the organization and its external stakeholders. It is made up of 2 axes: the relevance of the issue for the company's business as well as for the stakeholders. A fundamental step was to map our stakeholders to guide the dialogue with them and identify their degree of impact and influence.

Finally, we created a pre-labeling working group to feed and complete the four main areas of work. This group was made up of 10 employees representing each Digitaleo department. We organized several workshops with the following goals:
present the issues and the functioning of the labeling process
review the actions already implemented
provide details, discuss areas for improvement
think about the supporting documents to be produced.
The involvement of the teams, both at the strategic and operational levels, seemed essential to us in order to collect data as close as possible to reality and engage them in the process over the long term.

Auditing and making commitments
The third phase of preparation for the labeling consisted of a two-day audit carried out by a third-party organization at Digitaleo's premises. This audit allowed us to obtain initial feedback on how we present and promote our practices, advice on reformulation, in order to refine certain elements.

At the same time, discussions with the teams concerned were held to clarify certain aspects, quantitatively or qualitatively, and to determine the progress commitments on which to focus as a priority over the coming years. This last step was essential to develop and define an action plan and make appropriate commitments .

These different steps have thus enabled us to reach level 2 of the Responsible Digital label. 3