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Papo Na Fé – #41 – Interview with the Duo André and Felipe

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 10:50 am
by jewameb621
Hello, I'm Fabinho Vargas and this is the program “Na Fé”. Let's go together? For an hour, me here and you there, but together IN FAITH!

We are living through the greatest crisis of this generation. The coronavirus has exposed our weaknesses. We have lost loved ones, jobs, money... but we cannot lose hope, and our hope must be in God. Have faith . And if you have faith, we are together.
Here you don't have to pay anything. This is just a chain of goodness impacting people's lives.

– In our Papo Na fé section today, the conversation is with the duo André and Felipe.
– The Word of the Week will be available in the book of Proverbs 16: 1
– At the end of the program we will do our Prayer of Faith together

This is not a religious program, it is a meeting point for email service those who have faith. If you have faith, we are together. We are committed to your well-being!

Na fé is a production by Audiency, the largest platform for analyzing radio games in Brazil and dozens of countries.! Access and learn more about how to check out what's hot on broadcasters across Brazil. Join the Telegram Group (51)99108-6971

Oh, if you haven't checked it out yet, in issue 40, the talk about faith was with Neto Fagundes!

Follow us on social media: Instagram | Facebook | Linkedin | Youtube | Twitter

Today's musical picture has:
André and Felipe – Every day

Cesar Menoti and Fabiano – Why are you crying?

Fabinho Vargas – He Doesn’t Give Up

Gabriela Gome and Marquinhos Gomes – Dawn

Black on White – Faith in Life

Rescue Band – History

Ton carfi and Livinho- My Turn

Access Audiency CHARTS now and check out the most played Gospel songs in your city, state, region, square or all of Brazil!

If you are a singer or composer, you can also register your song , for FREE, and have data on your performances throughout the country when testing the premium plan.

Tags: most played on the radio , most played gospel songs , Banda Resgate , Cesar Menoti and Fabiano , Fabinho Vargas , Gabriela Gomes , gospel , Marquinhos Gomes , In faith , talk about faith , podcast , black and white , gospel program , program about faith , played on the radio , Ton Carfi and Livinho