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And you… how do you define the metrics and kpis of your email marketing campaigns?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:29 am
by bitheerani44556
As we should already know by now, no email marketing campaign would make sense if we do not know how to measure its effectiveness. It is extremely important to quantify the results obtained to know and analyze whether the objectives we have achieved are really those expected or if, on the contrary, we should rethink the strategy we are following.

However, we are aware that knowing and analyzing the results is not an easy task, especially due to the amount of data that Email Marketing tools often provide us with . That is why, in our article today, we are going to tell you how to calculate the main metrics, in order to be able to accurately monitor the effectiveness of your campaigns.

How to get metrics and KPIs from Email Marketing campaigns
1.- Click Through Rate (CTR)
2.- Conversion rate
3.- Return on investment
4.- Bounce rate
5.- Growth rate of our database
How to get metrics and KPIs from Email Marketing campaigns
Only through a thorough and detailed understanding of the behavior of petroleum manufacturers email lists our campaigns will we be able to assess and analyze whether the direction our strategy is taking is appropriate or whether, on the contrary, we need to make some kind of change to rectify the situation.

In this way, and for this purpose, through campaign metrics we can know in detail the behavior of our consumers; however, we should not associate these so much with the final goals and objectives of conversion, but with visits to the site, unique visitors and bounce rates. Therefore, the KPIs that we establish will be created from metrics that explain the consequence of specific objectives , such as the conversion rate, number of subscribers or time spent on a site.


That said, and based on the above statements, despite the greater or lesser KPIs that you decide to establish in your campaigns, there are 5 - in particular - that are fundamental and need to be analyzed for the campaign to be useful.

Email Marketing Glossary (SW)
1.- Click Through Rate (CTR)
We can define the click rate or Click Through Rate (CTR) as that metric that allows us to obtain information about the percentage of clicks that reach the destination page that we are referring to in our CTA.

How do you get it? (Total clicks or unique clicks / Number of emails sent)*100

2.- Conversion rate
The conversion rate, which is identified as the second metric that we need to measure for a campaign to be useful, is defined as the percentage of recipients who have clicked on the email sent and who have also completed the objective (whether it is the purchase of a product or service, the download of a study, ebook, etc. Or whatever you have established in your campaign email).

How do you get it? (Number of people who completed the desired action / Total number of emails delivered)*100

3.- Return on investment
Another metric that we want to mention, which is truly essential, is the return on investment (ROI), which will give us the information we need to know to ensure that our campaign is (or is not) profitable.

How do you get it? [(€ in additional sales made – € invested in the campaign)/€ invested in the campaign]*100

4.- Bounce rate
The bounce rate is a piece of data that, far from being negative for campaigns, is still necessary to analyze. It is the reason why emails are not being delivered satisfactorily, either for reasons of soft bounce (such as the user's email inbox being full and not being able to receive more emails) or hard bounce (something more complicated to manage, since it is due to our IP address being misclassified by the email providers, and that, my friend emarketer, turns out to be a problem, because -due to this reason- the emails are being automatically rejected by the email providers considering them SPAM and/or malicious content).

Where to start with email marketing? [Contribution by Oriol Chias]
How is it obtained? To obtain information about this metric, we recommend that you access this article that we published a few days ago on our blog.

5.- Growth rate of our database
The growth rate of our database will give us the necessary information that we need to know in order to know how fast our community is growing. However, as we always say, it is not enough to simply collect contacts as if it were an Excel database, without further delay... but it is necessary to know that these contacts are really of quality, that they exist and that they are truly who we think they are. Hence the importance, which we always mention, of routinely cleaning up our database.