— Special preferential rates within the corporate network. As a rule, calls between employees from a landline to a mobile phone and in any other variations are not charged, even if the subscribers are in internal roaming. — The manager has access to routing management, control and statistics of connections made through the corporate network from a mobile phone. — the “one-stop shop” scheme. Converged Service Operators At the same time, business organizations that intend to connect the FMC service should take into account several important nuances. Firstly, in order to receive this service from a specific operator, you need to be its corporate client (have a corporate tariff).
Secondly, the FMC service functions only france email list in connection with a classic or virtual PBX (depending on the operator): it is possible that, in addition to the connection costs and subscription fees, you will have to invest in infrastructure. Thirdly, the obvious fact: there is no point in connecting the service if the mobile network of the selected operator in the location of the enterprise works poorly or is completely absent. Who provides FMC services today? It is easy to guess that convergent communication services can be provided by those operators whose product portfolio includes both fixed and mobile telephony. 1. Mobile operators — thanks to the availability of fixed-line networks 2.
Operators providing virtual PBX services and participating in a partner program of a mobile operator. For example, this is how Mango Telecom works, providing the FMC service together with VimpelCom (TM Beeline) and MegaFon. At first glance, not everything is so great here: tariffs in the Moscow region differ significantly from tariffs in other regions, but in both cases the cost of servicing one SIM card is high: from 390 rubles / month on MegaFon and from 530 rubles / month on Beeline. 3. Operators providing mobile services under an MVNO agreement. MCN Telecom is also ready to connect the FMC option, and here the list of options is even wider.