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part of a display campaign on LinkedIn

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:47 am
by arzina221
Follow Company Ad: through the banner you are called to follow a specific company. This banner has a personal touch, as your own profile picture is used in it. Experience shows that users follow the action well.
Recommendation Ads: these ads are used to generate as much awareness for the products or services as possible within a short period of time. Users are called upon by means of the ad to leave a product recommendation on the company page.
Group Ads: Do you want to reach a certain volume in your group as quickly as possible? Then it is advisable to use Group Ads. These ads display active discussions and LinkedIn users are called upon to become members. It is wise to only use this type of ads if the company page or group has been actively used for some time. Then you actually have something to offer interested parties.
Social Ads

You can now also buy special iPad ads. There are various formats available, such as a standard rectangle banner (300×250) or a full-page Ad. In addition, the Sponsored Updates are also shown on the various mobile devices.

iPad ads

LinkedIn Polls
The LinkedIn Polls application has disappeared, but you can still purchase the polls via LinkedIn. For polls, you can apply a narrower segmentation. Polls have a viral effect. As soon as you luxembourg phone data vote on the poll, it is shared within your network: your answer is not visible. You also get the possibility to share the poll via other social networks and within groups. The polls are provided with the company logo.

On the landing page of the poll you get the possibility to place two extra banners and LinkedIn users can discuss the statement. The polls are an excellent way to generate awareness for your message. Dutch people like to vote and that is always reflected in the results of a poll. Polls are often

Screen Shot 2013-05-28 at 10.11.47 AMScreen Shot 2013-05-21 at 10.27.51 AM

InMail is not used much in the Netherlands. This is mainly due to the strict e-mail legislation, which means that not much is possible. An InMail is a sponsored e-mail via the LinkedIn platform, in which – in the Netherlands at least – users are called upon to become a member of a group or to consult a specific vacancy. Instead of using three to five segmentations, you can use more variables for InMails. The text and banner are supplied by the advertiser. LinkedIn takes care of the layout and sending of the InMail.