The ABC of the AARRR Framework

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The ABC of the AARRR Framework

Post by rahmanmdarafat52 »

The AARRR philosophy stands for Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. Each step is an essential lever to improve the performance of your business and achieve your growth goals.

Dive into acquisition
Simply put, acquisition is the art and science of convincing potential users to senegal number screeningvisit your platform. These are various traffic source strategies including SEO, paid advertising, content marketing and more.

And here comes the Activation
After acquisition, Activation engages users to take their first meaningful action on your platform. It doesn’t matter what your goal is: it could be a purchase, a newsletter subscription, a booking, or an inquiry.

Let's talk about loyalty
Retention relies on enthusiasm to keep existing users. It is your company's ability to create an experience so compelling that users will not want to go anywhere else.

The Power of Referrals
referrals are the epitome of modern word-of-mouth. It happens when your existing users become ambassadors for your brand and bring you new users because of their passion for what you do.
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