Step 5: Focus on your audience's motivations
What is the motivation?In every content strategy, you should always be able to answer one question: ' What's in it for me?' And I don't mean you, but your audience. People are not likely to do something for 'the sender'. But they will if it benefits them in some way.
If you want to achieve a certain goal and you haven't thought about the motivation of the other person, then you run a big risk that your beautiful strategy won't work. By looking for the personal motivation of your target group, you have a better chance of actually achieving the goal.
In practice, thinking about the motivation of the target group is a step that is often skipped. People find it difficult to think about target groups in this way. That is why it is so important to really delve into your target groups in the previous step - 'Think about your audience'. The more you know about the social context of your audience, the better you can assess their personal motivation.
What do you want to exchange?Now that you know who your audience is and what their personal motivations are, you can determine what specific information is needed to achieve the goal.
Information must be complete, up-to-date, reliable and relevant to your audience. What does your target group need to achieve their personal goal? And what information do you need to achieve your goal? Don't automatically assume the mountain of content you've already collected. Content is not 'king', your conversation partner is 'king'!
Step 7: Think of a tactic
A Think of a tactictactic is essential in every thailand phone data strategy. Without tactics, your strategy will never get off the ground. A tactic helps you to deploy the right resources later. When devising your tactics, you focus primarily on the social context and the motivation of your target group. How are you going to ensure that your audience helps you achieve your goal?
It is tempting to think from your own offer, such as the home page of your website. But it may be more realistic to assume a search for your target group that starts with Google. Where do they end up? Often, tactics forget that every dialogue with the target group must lead to some kind of (follow-up) action. Work that out completely.
Step 8: Deploy the right resources
Choose the resourcesAnd now is the time to consider what resources you are going to use to achieve the goal.