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Web 3 Search Engines
Web 3 Search Engines
Decentralized search engines that are powered by blockchain technology are called Web 3 search engines . Web 3 Search engines, which have the ability to provide users with personalized and relevant content, store data without being dependent on a central authority, ensure the security of the data, and allow users to control this data. The most commonly used Web 3.0 search engines are:
It is thought that with the development of Web 3, the number of search russia whatsapp phone number engines to be produced in this field will also increase.
Presearch, which emerged with the development of Blockchain technology, is a decentralized search engine. The platform works on decentralized protocols where users can search privately and freely.
In this search engine, user data is never on the servers. Servers are usually under the control of users and therefore differ from traditional search engines. While the fact that user data is under the control of individuals in Presearch ensures privacy, people who use Presearch can also earn PRE Tokens through their use.
Brave, an open source web browser built on Chromium, was launched in 2019. With nearly 35 million monthly users, Brave also offers users a web 3.0-based search engine.
Brave Search is a widely used search engine that allows users to search privately.