10 LinkedIn Profile Mistakes to Avoid

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10 LinkedIn Profile Mistakes to Avoid

Post by Joyzfsddt66 »

LinkedIn is a fantastic way to get yourself and your business (if you happen to have one) seen by a wealth of people who matter. It’s one of the best - if not the best - social media platforms for networking and for finding new jobs. But one of the things that might well be holding you back are LinkedIn mistakes. These mistakes might seem really trivial, and you might not even be aware that you’ve been making them. But their effects can be damaging, because they are the number 1 reason why your profile is either not being seen or, worse still, ignored. This means that all those high-paid jobs are passing you by.

So let’s take an in-depth look to LinkedIn profile development and how you can iron out 10 of the worst mistakes.

No Profile Picture
Imagine putting your house up for sale but deciding not to include a picture in austria whatsapp phone number the brochure? Nobody is going to want to view that house! Well, your LinkedIn profile works in a similar way, with hiring managers much more likely to hit you up if you have a professional pic. Remember, you need a professional LinkedIn profile, and a picture helps you achieve this.

The WRONG Picture!
Just as bad - if not worse - than having no picture is having the wrong picture. Again, we have to reiterate that your professional LinkedIn profile is supposed to be professional! For this reason, all photos of your with your cat are out. Even if you do look really cute together. Instead, you need a photo of just you, smiling, with good posture and looking energetic.
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