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Formulas for the principles of search engine operation

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 6:57 am
by mimakte
Each search engine uses its own unique algorithms for searching and ranking pages and sites, but the operating principles of all search engines are the same.

The process of searching for information that matches a user's request consists of several stages: collecting data on the Internet, indexing sites, searching by keywords, and ranking the results obtained. Let's take a closer look at each stage.

Data collection

Once the site is ready, you bangladesh telegram database need to make sure that search engine robots know about its appearance. You can place external links to your Internet resource or use other methods. As soon as the robot enters the site, it will begin to collect data on each page. This process is called crawling. Collection of information from the site occurs not only after its creation. The robot will periodically view the Internet resource to check the relevance of the information and update the existing data.

For both you and the bot (robot), such interaction should be mutually beneficial and comfortable. You, as the owner of the site, are interested in the bot doing its job quickly, without overloading the server, while collecting data from all pages as fully as possible. It is also important for the bot to do everything as quickly as possible in order to move on to collecting data from the next site in its list. For your part, you can check that the site is working, there are no problems with navigation, there are no pages that return a 404 error, etc.


Even if the robot has visited your site more than once, this does not mean that the Internet resource will immediately become visible to the search engine and will appear in the search results. After collecting the data, the next stage of the site processing process is its indexing (creation of an inverted index file for each page). The index is needed for quick searching. As a rule, it consists of a list of words from the text and information about them (positions in the text, weight, etc.).

After indexing is complete, the site and individual pages appear in search engine results for user search queries. Usually, the indexing process does not take much time.

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Search for information

At this stage, the search for information is carried out directly according to users' search queries. First, the search engine analyzes the query, determines the weight of each keyword. Then it searches for matches according to inverted indexes, all documents in the search engine database that correspond to the search query are selected.

The document's compliance with the request is determined by a special formula:

similatiry(Q,D) = SUM(w qk * w dk ),

where similatiry(Q,D) is the similarity of query Q to document D ;

w qk — weight of the k-th word in the query;

w dk — weight of the k-th word in the document.

Documents that are most similar to the user's query are reflected in the search results.


At the final stage, the search engine groups the results so that the user sees links to the most relevant pages first. Each search engine has its own unique ranking formula, which takes into account the influence of the following parameters:

page weight (citation index, PageRank);

domain authority;

relevance of the text to the request;

relevance of external link texts to the request;

as well as many other ranking factors.

As an example, let's look at a simplified ranking formula:

R a (x) = (m * T a (x) + p * L a (x)) * F(PRa) ;

where Ra(x) is the final correspondence of document a to query x ;

Ta(x) - relevance of the text (code) of the document to the request x ;

Lа(x) — relevance of the text of links from other documents to the document a for query x ;

PRа is the authority indicator of page a , a constant relative to x ;

F(PRa) is a monotonically non-decreasing function, and F(0) = 1 , we can assume that F(PRa) = (1 + q * PRa) ;

m , p , q are some coefficients.

Thus, the place of a page in search results is influenced by various factors that are both related to the search query and in no way connected with it.