The same principle of selling advertising is used in the Magnit chain of stores. On TV or on signs we most often see images of canned goods or vegetables, but their real income comes from selling alcohol, meat and other products with a high markup.
When you buy a printer, you don't give almost any income to the manufacturer of this office equipment, but buying cartridges copes with this role quite well. Remember the game consoles x-box or playstation. They are sold at a loss, but the discs with games are sold with an incredibly high markup. And so - with any large companies.
Use strong headlines to draw attention to your advertising message.
In order for the reader to austria email list want to read the text and information about your product or service, a catchy title must be used. Only if this condition is met is there a chance that the advertisement will sell. You should not invent any new phrases, but banal ones such as “Especially for you!”, “Only with us!”, “Mega sale!”, “We have the lowest prices!” should not be used either. Recently, such phrases as “18 effective ideas for…”, “Top 12 places…”, “Secret formula…”, etc. have become very popular and give high sales.
By using such headlines, analyze the market reaction. Most likely, you will get a greater response, and accordingly, your sales will increase.
Download a useful document on the topic:
Checklist: How to Achieve Your Goals in Negotiations with Clients
Move your advertising from a budgeting level to an investment level
It only sounds complicated. In reality, the mechanism is ridiculously simple. You need to know two characteristics of your client: the cost of acquiring them and their lifetime value. What does this mean? The first is made up of your total costs, including advertising, which were used to attract a new consumer. The lifetime value shows how much money cooperation with this client will bring you over the entire period - from the moment of the first purchase to the last.
For example, you have determined that attracting a new customer will cost $100, and within a year you will be able to earn about $15,000. In this case, your entire marketing policy can be studied, analyzed, and predicted.
A mistake of small businesses is to reduce expenses on marketing operations during a crisis or a drop in sales. It is important to understand what kind of advertising is selling for your company and what is not, analyze how it works and what its ROI is, then most of the problems will be solved.
Sell the benefits of your product, not its features
"People buy things not for the sake of the things themselves, but for what these things give them."
Dan Kennedy
In one of his works, American economist and marketer Philip Kotler says that when buying drills, buyers need holes in the wall, not the tools themselves – and he is right. What is important is the result and the benefit received from the product or service.
Previously, slide rules and abacuses were very popular, but with the advent of the calculator, the need for them disappeared. Buyers are not interested in the item itself, but in the speed of calculation. Large law firms do not sell legal advice or the best lawyers, but sell peace of mind and a guarantee of dispute resolution. When you go for a massage, you do not need the service itself, but the benefit you will receive from this procedure. For example, relaxation of the whole body, stress relief or a solution to the problem of cellulite.
In short, you must understand what you are selling. What the buyer will get from using the product/service being sold. This is the secret of successful selling advertising.