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Social and ethical concept

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2025 9:28 am
by subornaakter40
Consumer concept
Since the 1950s, the market has become increasingly consumer-oriented. Traditional marketing has emerged – a kind of mix of the best of the three previously existing concepts. Availability of goods, their reasonable price, product quality, and advertising promotion all become important. The strategy of traditional marketing is based on the vision of production prospects for the purpose of satisfying the consumer, rather than on the immediate profit of the company from sales.

Entrepreneurs work to improve the quality of goods and services in order to achieve a sustainable positive reaction from consumers. To do this, companies carry out various activities to establish and strengthen long-term relationships with their customers:

in-depth study of the client’s needs, preferences and factors influencing decision-making;

improving methods of product promotion;

building customer loyalty by improving the quality of products and services;

generating company profits through the best possible satisfaction of consumer demand.

Marketing concept in the words of F. Kotler:

"Don't sell what is produced, but produce what will be sold."

Thanks to this philosophy, marketing becomes buy bitcoin email list the main lever of entrepreneurial activity.

The relevance of environmental protection issues, the fight against diseases, and the rapid depletion of natural resources gives rise to a new trend in marketing development – ​​the fight to reduce the harmful impact of production on the environment. This is how the concept of social and ethical marketing appears.

The main focus of business is no longer consumer satisfaction as such, but improving the quality of life. The goal of management is to find a balance between three main tasks: the company's profit, the needs of the consumer, and the long-term interests of society in preserving the environment.

So far, only a few companies have implemented this concept. But more and more businessmen are beginning to understand the importance of using the principles of social and ethical marketing to preserve the planet's resources and the well-being of people.

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Stages of Marketing Development in Russia
In the 90s of the twentieth century, the USSR collapsed, and Russia actively moved to market relations. First of all, the active use of marketing technologies entered the trade and banking spheres, and later spread to industrial sectors. The Russian Marketing Association was born.

Stages of marketing development in Russia:

From the 70s to the 80s of the 20th century, the first scientific works of the founders of Russian marketing were published. Among them, one can name Zavyalov Petr Stepanovich, the author of the popular textbook for students "Marketing in diagrams, drawings, tables". In the era of developed socialism, Soviet marketers analyzed various possibilities and approaches for its implementation in the country's foreign economic policy.

From 1985 to the beginning of the 90s of the 20th century, the second stage of development of Russian marketing took place. During these years, a new galaxy of scientists was formed, actively studying the features of the external and internal marketing policy of the country. The most popular works of that period in the field of logistics and marketing were recognized as the works of Moiseeva Nina Konstantinovna, professor of the department of MIET.

The modern stage of development of Russian marketing began in the 90s of the 20th century . Due to the fact that our country entered the market economy later than other countries, the formation of sales principles in Russia has its own characteristics. This was taken into account by domestic scientists when introducing foreign theories and methods to the Russian market. During this difficult period, they laid the theoretical and methodological foundation in the field of establishing marketing communications and market networks. A special place in the conditions of modern Russia is allocated to social and non-commercial marketing.