Some of our friends asked why

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Some of our friends asked why

Post by sumaiyakhatun27 »

I spend so much time on my children, why I refuse some pleasures or interesting events and trips that were not part of my interests or plans. When all my peers were relaxing in clubs and enjoying life every day, we worked very hard. Now, everyone understands why. Because it's worth it! There were never any teachers, musicians, dancers or artists in our large family. But if the children expressed a desire to learn this, then it is always a priority! I had big ambitious maternal goals, which I achieved despite all obstacles and temptations. If not me, then who?

Therefore, my children are my first most successful projects and my greatest success. I have netherlands rcs data passed on all my love for learning, knowledge and skills to my children as a practical trainer and mentor. Because only by constantly learning and training can you achieve success!

Even before I was thirty, I realized that my children were already smarter and more experienced than me)) I focused on children's victories and thought that my train had already left. Until one day I met a cheerful and persistent former classmate of mine, who was very surprised when he heard that I had not studied anywhere after school. You were the best student, how could you ignore your personal career? Yes, for more than ten years I lived a family and children's life and dreamed of a future career, but not teaching, but something more ambitious. I need a homework with stars))
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