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Real-Life Success in Telemarketing

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:16 am
by Noyonhasan574
Be sure to provide positive feedback. Find as many great things about their call as you can. Make time to listen to their calls and others that show techniques you want them to improve, while keeping it simple. Find one or two things for them to focus on improving. Once you have a handle on what to improve, move on to improving other areas. Plan to role play with them. This "do" is important not only to ensure they know what you want, but to actually show it on future calls.

Make sure they “walk the talk.” follow up. Make sure the agent is australia phone number resource implementing the new feedback, and if not, take the appropriate steps to redirect. As they progress, provide Kudo! Catch them performing a newly mastered technique or trying it out and solving it. Remind them why implementation is so important. For example, "This is what customers expect and it will help them increase sales revenue and commissions." Don't just send written feedback. Your frontline telemarketing sales agents need to be able to understand what you want from them, ask questions, and listen to calls.


Offers a lot of little things that need improvement. Give them a few areas to address and let them work through those first before adding more. Keep a negative attitude. No one handles negativity well. Stay positive and optimistic! Try the sandwich technique, start with the positive, what needs to be done, and then wrap up the feedback with a positive attitude! hurry up. They know your time is valuable, and what better way to show them you’re a valuable member of the team than to spend the day “getting on the same page?” Telemarketing Services team members need to know we’re here for them Help and help them improve.