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Internet traffic acquisition: your main levers

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:29 am
by mottalib2026
March 20, 2024
Image of cars in traffic: we only see the light from their taillights.
Table of contents hide
1st lever for acquiring traffic: SEO or natural referencing
2 No. 2: Acquire traffic immediately with ads
3 N°3: Work on your popularity with netlinking and guest blogging
4 4th tip for acquiring traffic: the blog!
5 N°5: Be present on social networks!
6 No. 6: The false acquisition lever: email marketing
Have you created a website? It's all beautiful, brand new and you love it malaysia whatsapp . The only problem is that it feels a little lonely in the vastness of the web. No one comes to see it and it's starting to get depressed. You're going to have to give it a boost to acquire traffic quickly but also in the long term, otherwise it risks withering away!

According to Andrey Lipattsev, Search Quality Senior Strategist at Google, quality content and links are the two most important signals used by Google to rank a website in search results (source: Alioze, 2020)

We don't leave your website in a corner! (Hey, hey, I made a complete SEO training course on this slogan...) Today, we're going to talk about acquiring traffic on the internet.


You will see, there are several ways to bring Internet users to your site, help them discover your services and products and thus increase your sales.

1st lever for acquiring traffic: SEO or natural referencing
SEO or natural referencing includes all the techniques that allow you to optimize your site. The objective? That it goes up in Google search results for a given query to reach the first page, or even the first place.rn

“Being in the first position in Google will result in a click-through rate of 34.36% for computers and a click-through rate of 31.35% for mobile devices.” according to Alioze in 2020

Natural referencing is based on 3 pillars:

The technique: your site must be well designed to meet Google and natural referencing rules. Do not hesitate to ask for an SEO audit if necessary to ensure that everything is in order and to resolve any potential problems with your developer,
Content: each page of your site must correspond to a keyword and be optimized on this keyword. They must obviously be consistent with your activity and their search volume must be significant. It is a whole strategy that requires time and method. This is the work of the SEO. Some web editors can take care of it for modest sites, other editors will not be trained for it. The editor will then come and write content related to the keyword strategy defined by the SEO consultant,
Popularity: also called off-site SEO. This is the netlinking technique that we will see later in the article to make your site popular and thus improve its visibility.
SEO is probably the most effective method to get traffic to your website . But it is a long-term strategy that takes time: expect about three months to see the first results.

Read also: Can a web editor make you rank 1st on Google?

#2: Acquire traffic immediately with ads
On the other side of SEO, we find SEA , paid SEO . This consists of buying keywords on Google. Today, we no longer see them (although it depends on the browsers a priori), but remember, these were the links marked "ad" or "ad" above the search result.

All of these people bought keywords, often very expensive ones, to be positioned at the top of the SERPs (search results) page.

You can do the same, but be careful with your budget. The most competitive keywords are also expensive.

My advice: Use Facebook Ads instead to advertise on Facebook and Instagram if your business is present there. It's more cost-effective and extremely targeted.

My second piece of advice: work on your SEO above all . However, SEA can help you sell more quickly with a short-term strategy.

But be careful, targeted advertising may no longer work according to Tim Hwang , a former Google employee...

#3: Work on your popularity with netlinking and guest blogging
Ah, it’s been a long time (no ^^): English terms!

Netlinking, we started talking about it in the SEO section, it is a traffic acquisition strategy which consists of obtaining links leading to your site (and its different pages).

But it is not enough to multiply the number of links to see its popularity and traffic climb. The links pointing to your site must be of quality, that is to say they must come from sites that are themselves popular and in your field of activity so that Google says "wow, interesting!" .

So, it is better to have ten well-crafted links pointing to your site than one hundred from directories.

But then how do you do this? One of the best ways to do netlinking is to offer guest blogging. You target popular sites in your field of activity and you offer them to write a blog article for their site in which a link to a page on your site will be placed.

For example, if you are a swimming pool builder, you can write an article for an online magazine such as Côté Maison, Marie-Claire or CDeco in which you will place a link to your site.

Or, you can hire a professional to do this work for you.

4th tip for acquiring traffic: the blog!
Everything is obviously linked. Keeping a blog will allow you to improve your natural referencing. It is a lever within a lever! Google loves novelty and regularity. If you publish a blog article per week related to your field of expertise, you will improve your SEO.

“By updating the content of a website or republishing content, it is possible to increase traffic by more than 110%.” according to the agency 1ère position.

Remember: content is one of the pillars of SEO. Not only is it essential to optimize your site pages but also to publish content regularly .

You can of course add videos (an Internet user spends 88% more time on average on a website with video according to Alioze in 2020), infographics and images on your site but what Google prefers is text content.

Read also: The 3 advantages of blogging for a small business!

#5: Be present on social networks!
Nearly 3 billion people use social networks worldwide, led by Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. Each day, users spend an average of 2 hours and 15 minutes on social networks.

You are still not convinced of the usefulness of social networks for your brand communication

Also note that 71% of consumers who have had a good service experience on social networks with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.

All figures come from the compilation of studies by Alioze (2020).

Additionally, Google takes into account signals from social networks to measure the popularity of a website, one last good reason to work on your social networks.

Social marketing is essential for any brand to acquire traffic. Don't leave this lever aside and get support from professionals!

No. 6: The false acquisition lever: email marketing
Email is not outdated as some still say. What is outdated, however, is sending purely promotional and non-personalized emails that spam your subscribers' inbox.

An email is, on the contrary, an opportunity to create a unique relationship with your prospects and customers . The bond of trust is much stronger thanks to a privileged exchange almost face to face.

For every €1 spent, email brings in an average of €35 (source: DMA 2019 study). An excellent return on investment! It's a good way to distribute your content and therefore acquire traffic on your website.

According to SNCD email statistics in 2019, 4 out of 10 people go to a store or make a purchase after receiving a commercial email and 85% of them keep an email they consider interesting.

The open rate of a marketing email is 22% (according to IBM in 2019) while a welcome email is opened 82% of the time (according to GetResponse in 2017) with a click rate of 4.3% (an excellent score).

And by personalizing the email, you are twice as likely to have it opened and resonate (according to Yes Lifecycle Marketing in 2017).

3 other statistics that may also interest you:

Sending three cart abandonment emails can increase transactions by 69% compared to sending just one email (source: Omnisend, 2018).
Emails containing videos generate 300% more engagement (source: Martech Advisor, 2017).
49% of consumers would like to receive a promotional email from their favorite brands every week (source: Statista, 2017).