Analyzing data for customer insights
Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:43 am
When you know what products someone orders, their favorite order, how often they use coupons and so forth, you know exactly what kind of content to create for each individual customer.
Is it a discount on their favorite sandwich? Or a coupon on an order just above their average order value?
Unifying customer data into a single view
You have information about your customers shopping behaviors in Shopify (for example), and email engagement from your email marketing service provider. Unifying this information into a single customer view gives you a full understanding of the customer journey.
Did a customer make an order in Shopify because of a coupon sent from an email campaign?
Are you considering in-store and online purchases in a customer’s average order value?
Bringing all of your data points in together will start to reveal patterns in customer data.
Acquiring new customers with segmentation
Not every contact in your CDP is a customer — they bahrain mobile phone numbers database might be a prospect. A CDP helps find what audience segments they are part of so that you can nurture them down the sales funnel. The marketing messaging and timing will depend on these insights.
Once you have your data flowing between tools, you’ll be able to analyze customer behavior and business performance.
For example, you might see if a new audience segment is earning repeat customers.
How to choose a customer data platform
A CDP should help your business consolidate, analyze, and export data for customer-facing use cases. But, depending on what tools you already use or how complicated you want your data intelligence to be, it’s important to find a CDP for your specific needs.
Talk with your team and agree on goals that your CDP helps you achieve. Campaign personalization? Better data governance?
Once you have your main goal mapped out, start listing more technical questions about the platform itself.
How easy is it to use? Does this CPD provide onboarding assistance?
Is there a native customer relationship management (CRM) platform? Or do I need to connect a third-party tool?
Does this CDP have the right connectors for the tools that I’m using?
How does this CDP do data unification?
Then, book a demo with a sales rep to get these questions answered.
Is it a discount on their favorite sandwich? Or a coupon on an order just above their average order value?
Unifying customer data into a single view
You have information about your customers shopping behaviors in Shopify (for example), and email engagement from your email marketing service provider. Unifying this information into a single customer view gives you a full understanding of the customer journey.
Did a customer make an order in Shopify because of a coupon sent from an email campaign?
Are you considering in-store and online purchases in a customer’s average order value?
Bringing all of your data points in together will start to reveal patterns in customer data.
Acquiring new customers with segmentation
Not every contact in your CDP is a customer — they bahrain mobile phone numbers database might be a prospect. A CDP helps find what audience segments they are part of so that you can nurture them down the sales funnel. The marketing messaging and timing will depend on these insights.
Once you have your data flowing between tools, you’ll be able to analyze customer behavior and business performance.
For example, you might see if a new audience segment is earning repeat customers.
How to choose a customer data platform
A CDP should help your business consolidate, analyze, and export data for customer-facing use cases. But, depending on what tools you already use or how complicated you want your data intelligence to be, it’s important to find a CDP for your specific needs.
Talk with your team and agree on goals that your CDP helps you achieve. Campaign personalization? Better data governance?
Once you have your main goal mapped out, start listing more technical questions about the platform itself.
How easy is it to use? Does this CPD provide onboarding assistance?
Is there a native customer relationship management (CRM) platform? Or do I need to connect a third-party tool?
Does this CDP have the right connectors for the tools that I’m using?
How does this CDP do data unification?
Then, book a demo with a sales rep to get these questions answered.