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implementing cross-selling and up-selling strategies

Posted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 10:06 am
by Anamika43SA
And in addition, the user is offered an improvement to their initial purchase intention , so we continue with a win-win technique, whether it is more or less invasive or aggressive will only depend on you.

Upselling examples
You are going to book a hotel room and the website offers you a better option, for example with a sea view , but at a higher price (for the hotel the costs of the room with or without a view are practically the same so they increase their margin).
You want to buy some fries at your favourite fast food restaurant and they offer you, for just one euro more, the extra-large fries (here almost every euro is margin).
We are, even if we don't realize it, surrounded by cross-selling and list of morocco whatsapp phone numbers up-selling strategies in almost every online transaction we make. For an e-commerce, these strategies can make a big difference in its annual results.

3 of the most important objectives for
Increase sales.
Increase sales margins.
Improve the user's shopping experience.
So, if you are thinking of implementing these techniques in your online store, you should develop a strategy to carefully study what best suits the needs of your business and your users, cross-selling or up-selling, and always make a subsequent assessment of the impact they have caused and know the results they have brought you . Not all cross-selling and up-selling strategies work for all types of e-commerce, keep that in mind!


Stories on LinkedIn: What communication strategy should I follow?
As announced by the platform in February, LinkedIn is launching the stories feature on its platform to achieve more interaction between users of the network and hopefully a greater organic reach than that obtained with posts in the feed.

As LinkedIn itself suggests, the idea is to allow users and companies to share “professional” moments both at user level and through company profiles . Hopefully, the use of LinkedIn stories will be professional so as not to have another Instagram or Facebook.