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The high level of data protection in the EU must be protected

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:44 am
The General Data Protection Regulation is a worldwide model for the protection of personal data. Some countries have already issued or implemented their own versions of the GDPR. The fact that the European Union is planning to take precisely the opposite steps is a bad sign, with dire effects for the EU as an IT location. High data protection standards lead to a great deal of trust in IT products made in Europe. “Made in Europe” is very important to our customers, not only in Europe but worldwide. The compulsion to do away with the high level of end-to-end encrypted communications protection jeopardizes the continuity of numerous list of algeria whatsapp phone numbers IT companies across Europe. This would destroy a very important selling point for European IT companies in the global market.

We want to explicitly emphasise that access to encrypted communications by private organisations and public authorities is incompatible with a strong EU as a technological location.


The right to privacy and digital confidentiality of correspondence
Secure communications are essential to coexistence in our society. Confidentiality between doctor and patient, as well as that between lawyers and clients, are considered to be extremely important rights. But how would it be possible to maintain professional secrecy in these cases if it is not possible to engage in protected communications with patients and clients? Like most modern industries, they rely on secure digital communications to uphold their vows of confidentiality. Monitoring all communications independent of a number is like going back to the 20th century technologically. Postal and in-person communications would be the only secure alternatives left.