pagerank dampening

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pagerank dampening

Post by siyam12 »

Rather, it values ​​web pages by evaluating the aforementioned damping. That is, the PageRank is only partially transmitted from page A to all those that receive links. This process of link juice – the flow of PageRank through websites – is depicted in the image from .

How can I find out the PageRank of the site?
There are still some PageRank Checkers but December 6, 2013 was the last time an update was recorded inside Google Toolbar. In short, it is still necessary to carry out a work of understanding and analysis of the logic of PageRank without getting stuck on the pure and simple number.

Does this still apply to SEO?
Many SEOs have abandoned interest in this value since, in 2016 , Google announced that it would no longer update the green bar in the browser with the relative value from 0 to 10. This is because there has been an unhealthy focus on the part of SEO experts on the value in the strict sense.

google page rank scheme
PR was used to create a market of links to sell and exchange, websites were classified and the goals were increasingly distant from those that Google tried to promote. Namely the creation of quality content . But why continue to worry about this element?

It’s not dead: Google no longer trumpets its value to the four winds – and several Tools like SeoZoom and SEMrush have tried to create alternative metrics – but it remains a decisive element of SEO positioning . To understand its value, however, we must understand what determines PageRank.

4 elements that influence this value
We said that to have a high PageRank you need to get a lot of quality links. But is this the only point? Do we need to work with link building ? This is one of the aspects, let's see how we can optimize our relationship with PageRank today. Precisely because it is not a disappeared metric but is still one of the SEO positioning factors to evaluate in a good audit work.

Page link
Surely the balance of links that come and go on a web page helps to determine the value of the PageRank. We have already considered the importance of the links that point to the domain but we must evaluate another factor: within a web page the links have a different value.

link schemes
This occurs based on the position, if Peru Phone Numbers they are in secondary and less clicked areas these mentions have a lower value. Obviously another element that substantially characterizes this balance is the presence of nofollow tags that neutralize any SEO influence.

History of the domain
A website with a ten-year history has more opportunities to develop a good link profile. And thus increase the PageRank. In these cases it is important to have varied mentions, with anchor text that can appear as the result of natural work . Having links always from the same portals is not a good way to work and domains with a long history are able to satisfy the needs of this point.

Content quality
The factors that determine Google PageRank are evolving. The number and quality of inbound links are factors directly related to a high value but you can also do other things to influence this parameter. The quality of the content is certainly one of the points to take into consideration.

If only because in this way you can increase the chances of obtaining natural inbound links. Which, in the end, is the only way allowed by Google to avoid penalties. The quality of the content can also be linked to the work done in terms of internal links. In fact, these links allow the PageRank juice to reach every web page and distribute evenly.

Sector relevance
It is not enough to own a website with good intentions. You also need to become an institution in your industry. Or rather, you can confirm that your content is also relevant with respect to that perspective known as semantic SEO where Google can find relevant pages.


Even if they do not include the search terms of the query , penalizing duplicate content – ​​perhaps with continuous repetition of keywords – and valorizing those written well. All this can become a value.

Must Read: SEO Content Cannibalization

Do we still need to measure PageRank?
Yes, we can consider it in all respects a useful parameter to
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