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How to optimize WordPress – Complete guide

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 9:02 am
by bitheerani22010
Web hosting makes all the difference when we want to launch a project. Server conditions are very important for your website to run smoothly or poorly.

So, make sure you choose a quality hosting service to host your website. The servers, the quality of the tools they include, and priority support are vital.

These are the two I have used so far and that work very well for me:

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2. Buy a good optimized template
I know that having a blog requires an investment. That's why, in the beginning, I spent the $100 that it costs. Genesis StudioPress Theme to create my WordPress. Without a doubt, it's one of the best themes or templates out there for designing web pages.

A lightweight Framework and Child Theme that works very well for web positioning. There are other free ones, but from my point of view, a template should be clean and not overloaded with Addons .

This is what works best for SEO, so make sure you choose a theme that is free or premium but meets this requirement.

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3. Install a cache management plugin
The cache is what is responsible for saving changes on each visit to your page. That is, a user visits you, and then comes back to visit you 5 hours later. the cache will save that same image of your article or page.

This way, your website will load much faster next time. However, if you have made changes and do not clean up, the user, or you yourself, will not see those changes. And if a cached version is saved in memory .

Therefore, it is important that if you are continuously writing or making changes, you set a period for deleting said cached version. Cache management is important for the loading speed of your website.

How to Optimize WordPress – Cache Management
There are several free and premium plugins that will help you manage your cache on a scheduled basis. WP Fastest Cache, WP Super Cache and Total Cache .

However, I recommend WP Rocket as you can not only schedule cache clearing. It will also help you with other types of optimization. I will tell you about that later.