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Measurement of generated electrical energy

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2024 10:15 am
by pappu827
Factors such as the angle of inclination and orientation of the panel directly influence efficiency. That is why it is important to leave this task in the hands of professionals.

Degradation over time
The performance of solar panels decreases over time. This is completely normal and is caused by the degradation suffered by the panels.

However, the latest generation models are more resistant to list of zimbabwe consumer email the passage of time, and their useful life has even been extended to 25 or 30 years.

Environmental conditions
Apart from the factors we have seen, there are others that also significantly influence the performance of solar panels : environmental conditions.

Temperature, intensity of solar radiation, dirt, or the presence of shadows, among others, can affect the performance of the panels. This is what explains why identical panels do not have the same performance if they are part of different installations.

How is plate yield calculated?
To know what percentage of the solar energy that hits the panel is converted into electricity, a calculation must be made that requires handling different measurements.

The first thing to measure is the amount of electrical energy that a plate is capable of generating under standard test conditions .

These conditions include:

Solar irradiation of 1,000 watts per square meter.
Cell temperature of 25º C.
Air mass of 1.5 (which implies an atmosphere with a certain level of pollution, among other variables).
Determining Solar Panel Area
The next factor to consider is the total area of ​​the solar panel, which is measured in square meters. At this point, it is important to note that the measurement includes the entire surface of the panel, not just the visible solar cells.


Measurement of incident solar energy
Under standard test conditions, solar irradiation is assumed to be 1000 watts per square meter . This means that for every square meter of panel surface, 1000 watts of solar energy is available.

Calculating efficiency
To obtain the result, the electrical energy generated by the panel is compared with the solar energy incident on that same panel, and the result is expressed as a percentage.