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Among the positive emotions we can mention:

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:23 am
by rosebaby50955
Your goal is to select a wish that:

Address a big need of your users.
You can satisfy in a way that your competitors cannot.
Describe this desire using your visitors' exact words and make a promise that can satisfy them and improve their lives. To make your promise more compelling, try the following:

Keep it simple: Don't use fancy language. Conversion expert Peep Laja recommends one of the following formulas: 
Say what it is.
Say what you got.
Say what you are capable of doing with it.
Be specific: Are there any statistics about your products and services that make your visitors want to buy from you? For example, Basecamp said “for 12 years and still going strong, over 100,000 businesses have adopted the Basecamp way.” This message gives power to their copywriting strategy. 
Be different: If you are in a competitive market, do something that sets you apart. It can be what you offer or the way you offer it. Like Whole Foods with its slogan “America’s Healthiest Grocery Store.”
Be objective: If your services are aimed at small businesses in a certain location, say so.
Be personal: Speak to your visitors by using words like “you” and “your” in your texts. Like the classic Visa slogan: “Anywhere you want to be.”
Be positive: Positivity works . Great time. 
Create viral content 
Scientific American recently conducted a study on the characteristics that make your content go viral. After analyzing around 7,000 articles, they found that the most viral content shares a number of qualities:

First, content that makes people feel emotions tends to be more widely shared. 
Second, content that makes people feel good tends to be more widely shared than content that makes them feel depressed.
And to get the sale

Psychology Today claims that when evaluating brands, consumers tend to use emotions over logic. Their advertising research revealed that a consumer's emotional response to a written ad is twice as influential in college and universities email list their decision to purchase as the ad's content. 

Furthermore, their studies showed that positive emotions influence consumer behavior more than rational judgments. Use this information to shape your writing strategy! 

How to generate positive emotions with your writing strategy


I respect
You can make your content more positive:

Spreading positive words and phrases: such as “awesome,” “wonderful,” “extraordinary,” “sensational,” or “inspiring.”
Focusing on solving difficult problems: Cite your testimonials and case studies.