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CRM Demo: Its Importance

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:51 am
by chandona
When implementing CRM software in your company - whether for internal management ( Back Office ) or for managing each of your clients ( Front Office ) - it is important to know how to use it properly. This is where the ease of use of the CRM platform comes into play , and of course, its usefulness. Both before and after our choice of the most suitable CRM for our company (taking into account the size, sector, etc.), being able to count on a CRM Demo is vital. Below, we will differentiate the importance of providing a CRM Demo to our potential clients both before-purchase and after, once they are our clients, so that they can find out how to carry out a specific management within the tool.

CRM Demo: The 'Before'
Which CRM best suits the needs of our business? Which one will be the most suitable? What if I'm wrong? These are questions that entrepreneurs or 'thinking heads' of small and medium-sized companies who are thinking of implementing a CRM in their respective businesses ask themselves. This is where the virtual CRM Demo comes into play . Being able to get to know the CRM platform that we want to hire, even before committing ourselves, is possible thanks to the CRM Demo.

This is when potential efficy clients , those who are bulk sms qatar looking to implement this internal manager (tasks and information between partners) and clients (external communication) in their companies, can learn first-hand how the tool works. In turn, this CRM Demo must contain all the functionalities that we will find in the future in the CRM solution that we choose, that is, it must be a real reflection of the final software. Having fictitious cases will make our potential clients value the CRM Demo positively, as well as giving the possibility of taking a telephone tour, as in our case.


CRM Demo: The 'During'
Once, as a company, we decide to hire a specific CRM, we may have doubts during its use: How are tasks assigned? How do I filter by clients/categories? And so on. These questions are very common, and being able to answer them is easier than you think.

Although this tab is not a proper online CRM Demo , it could be included under the same umbrella, as they are still ways of knowing how the CRM tool works in depth, even if they are specific questions (as we discuss in the following section).

Free CRM demo on efficy
At efficy we have not only a YouTube channel, but also a section on the website called 'Demo' , so that our potential clients can try out our CRM virtually and from their office.

We provide our users with very complete videos, showing different tours of the platform, resolving any questions that may arise during its use, such as: What is a negotiation?, How can I delete a contact? or How do I synchronise tasks with Outlook?, all within their respective sections. We also show videos applied to specific businesses: real estate agencies, law firms, event agencies, etc.