So, how does my website improve if it is Responsive Design?
Nowadays we have a huge number of devices available to access the Internet (smartphones, tablets, laptops, desktops, etc.). That is why the same website will be displayed in countless different resolutions. In this way, a site designed in a fixed resolution will appear larger or smaller on certain devices.
For example, a site designed at 1024 pixels wide on an iPhone 6 will only display the information on your website that is in the first 750 pixels, so the user may miss important information and may only see the site partially, which can cause confusion for the user.
What is Responsive Design?
Responsive design involves programming the site with CSS3 style israel phone number list sheets that allow the visual content to be fluidly adapted to any resolution so that all information is structured and displayed in a legible and usable manner.
Responsive design uses CSS Media Queries to activate or deactivate parts of our site for certain resolutions, showing the least relevant information or not showing it at certain resolutions to make navigation easier for our users.
In this case, instead of programming the images in pixels, we will do it with percentages, so that they adjust to the widths and heights of the device from which our site will be viewed.
If it is not entirely clear to you, here is a link where you can see examples of responsive design websites .
Why should I program my website in Responsive Design?
As we have already said, more than 50% of visits to our website can come from mobile devices, so we must make the visit easier for our mobile users. Thanks to having a Responsive site , we can increase the length of time visitors spend on our site, the conversion into leads and, in the process, gain some SEO positions .
So, how does my website improve if it is Responsive Design?
Higher SEO authority
Google gives much more importance to websites designed in this format, also positioning them better in mobile searches.
Greater usability The content is displayed occupying the entire width of the device, whatever it may be, so that the information is well structured and it is easier for the user to reach the information they were looking for.
Greater user retention Users navigate more comfortably and therefore tend to stay longer on our website.
Greater viralization of our content By having well-structured share buttons and download forms, mobile users have an easier time sharing our content.
Lower implementation cost It is cheaper and more effective to program a Responsive Design site than the same site in several resolutions.