Instead of trying to reach every customer, focus on your best customers first. Just like getting the most out of your existing marketing mix, focusing on your best customers will generally yield better results.
A few questions for you to answer:
Can you characterize your best customers with a buyer persona?
What does their life look like?
What challenges do they face?
How do they find solutions to these challenges?
Being customer centric is not the same as shouting 'the customer is king'. You can read more about it here .
Also read: A strong marketing plan in 4 steps
5. Do I have enough patience for long-term results?
Prioritizing and doubling down on what’s already working (see question 2) doesn’t mean you shouldn’t innovate or think about the future. On the contrary, once you’ve laid the foundation for today’s and tomorrow’s wins, start working on the day after tomorrow. Some things just take time, like building a credible brand or getting traction australia telegram data 3 million with your content marketing. Don’t get discouraged if your campaigns don’t deliver immediate results.
6. Am I flexible and ready to adapt?
Even if you have your short and long term strategy figured out, there is still one area you should always address: the unexpected. Maintaining an agile mindset can be the difference between staying strong and going under.
The challenges won’t always be on the scale of a global pandemic or an economic crisis. However, even small, unforeseen changes can leave quite a mark. Think of social media platforms changing their algorithms overnight or big brands deciding to enter your market.
Flexibility is also needed to respond to unexpected opportunities. Society can suddenly make a big move in something that has to do with your product or service. An agile marketing department has the upper hand to go viral with a well-timed and relevant campaign. Always keep your strategy lean & mean, just in case . Don't lock it in one place and don't spend it all on up-front deals , for example . Via self-service channels such as Google or LinkedIn you can switch your marketing euros on or off with one click, you remain in the driver's seat .