HG Wells wasn’t the only one trying to bend time for a greater purpose – salespeople do it every day. Unlike other professional endeavors, say sports, B2B sales reps don’t just have to win, they have to win more every year.
That's right, their share goes up, the number of accounts they're juggling grows, but the minutes on the clock stay fixed. So, the best salespeople are those who know how to squeeze more out of every minute, hour, day and year.
Time travel is not limited to movies, it exists in real life, time management strategies abound. And while time is key to improving productivity, salespeople need to create more than just a time management strategy. Salespeople need to develop time travel strategies for B2B sales success. It's about managing simultaneous events that are unfolding at the same time, kind of like traveling back in time.
Multiple timeline
Managing a territory isn’t easy, selling to evolve and developing risk managers email lists existing accounts, especially when your key resource is not renewable. While you can rekindle a dormant account or lead, you can never get time back, hence the focus on time “management.”
But you can't really manage time, you have to work to maximize it. Something that becomes easier and easier as technology continues to improve sales productivity. That's why I encourage clients to look for tools that allow them to make progress with multiple opportunities, at the same time.
We all have the cases where even with a willing prospect, getting the appointment was difficult and time-consuming. Coordinating with many calendars leads to a lot of “let me check” or I’ll figure it out and get back to you.” By the time it’s all said and done, you’ve invested time and nerves to secure a meeting everyone wanted. Imagine if it was a cold prospect.
But the right tool eliminates stress, keeps the momentum going, and secures appointments with multiple people at the same time. No back-and-forth, no haggling, just an increase in productivity and pipeline.
Time comes Managed
While time is critical, here for a second, it is gone forever and is not reversible. Often, the difference between the best and the rest is how they “invest” their time. Time is the currency of sales. How you invest, spend, retain or waste time will dictate your results.
One of the quickest ways to waste time is to pay too much attention to time management. Why? Time comes pre-managed, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year; it's managed. What do you think you can add to something that everyone on the planet already agrees with?
It all comes down to how we use time, what we choose to focus on and what to 'spend' it on. It's like investing, choose the right stock and it will pay dividends, choose wrong and the money is gone forever. When it comes to time, you need to think about allocating and 'managing' the activity you've allocated time to.