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How to make a website profitable in Chile

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 8:40 am
by bappy8
If you have a website and are looking for how to create a web page in Chile, here are some tips that will work for you.

After a few good years of stress, the idea of ​​quitting your job to do something you really like and are passionate about has probably crossed your mind. You are not alone. It is really the dream of many, and with the popularity that the Internet has gained and the new digital monetization models, in some cases it can be feasible to reach the end of the rainbow and be able to say at some point “I am making a living from my hobby.” Here I will tell you how to get on track and the possible problems you may encounter in the process so that they do not surprise you.

3 things you may not know about how to make a profitable website in Chile:
How to make money with a website in 2018
The key word here is digital advertising. Your site must have spaces to bahrain business email list show ads to your visitors, with which you will be giving a benefit to a company that will pay money to reach that audience. On the web there are different models with which this type of advertising is paid, the most popular being CPM (Cost Per Thousand). Explaining it in a nutshell, for every thousand times an ad is loaded on your page you will be generating a thousand impressions and you will get the money agreed with the advertiser for that ad. However, this is when the different possibilities come into play and everything begins to diversify in an impressive way. There are different types of ads ranging from traditional banners (known as display), Rich Media, Native, Video In and Outstream, In-Image or Links, to name a few, that can be within your page. The offer is incredibly large and being able to decide in the best way what and how much you want to show on your site without running the risk of losing your visitors is delicate.


The actors of the game
In the early days of digital advertising, the flow of buying and selling advertising space was very linear. You had the audience on your website, the client had the money, and the ads and magic more or less happened on their own. However, the model quickly became more professionalized and increasingly robust and complex to the point where it is today.

Direct sales (as we have just described it) are something that is on the way out and now the programmatic sales model has arrived in a forceful way. What this does is automate the purchase and sale of advertising spaces by taking it to a real-time digital auction system in which thousands of sites, networks, agencies, clients and intermediaries participate to try to offer the best ad position to the highest bidder.

Instead of an advertiser approaching a specific site to try to reach its visitors, they now have “pools” of sites and different profiles created from information from thousands of users in which they can invest their money. Websites are joined through different “Exchanges” such as Google Adsense (the most popular and accessible of all). The ads work depending on the number of visits, the CPM they get will vary as it depends on the advertiser.

The harsh and crude reality
This last point is perhaps the hardest to digest, but I want to be completely honest. It is very difficult to make a living from a website that creates editorial content. We are talking about the fact that the price you will be paid for CPMs in Latin America sometimes does not even reach a dollar. In order to have a small monthly income that covers the costs of your website, hosting, online security and so on, your content would have to attract not thousands, but hundreds of thousands of visitors per month.

Gaining access to markets or agencies where a better CPM is paid and leaving aside Adsense requires a titanic task and an editorial team that is responsible for generating content that, month after month, has several million page views available to be able to enter the auction process. Add to this the tools to be able to project the ads dynamically and thus get the most out of it. The costs become high for an individual who seeks to professionalize his hobby.

Take this article as a sincere conversation between friends about how to make a profitable website in Chile. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it is an adventure that easily separates those who do it as a hobby and those who have the money, equipment and personnel to invest and make it a way of life. Start doing it for the passion you have and who knows, maybe one day you might be surprised by what you've achieved.