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Consider the following facts

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 3:10 am
by rh06022005
Aligning commercial functions’ is Sales leaders’ top priority for 2023.1
Companies where sales and marketing are aligned hit 20% annual revenue growth.2
87% of words sales and marketing teams use to describe each other are negative.3
Anybody notice a theme?...

No matter how clear the mexico phone number search benefits of alignment are, there are often deep rooted points of friction between sales and marketing.

Convincing these teams to work towards shared goals is more complicated than changing their incentives, because they speak different languages.

Marketing often sees sales as a customer, not a collaborator; Sales sees marketing as a vendor, not a value-adder; and moving beyond those perspectives requires a clear, comprehensive and binding agreement.


That is what a sales and marketing Service Level Agreement (SLA) provides, and in this article I’m going to explain exactly how they work - and how you can create and implement an SLA that will drive more reliable revenue.

What is a Marketing and Sales SLA?
A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract that creates shared expectations and definitions between two parties. For sales and marketing, this means laying out each department's responsibilities to the other, and how they will serve the company’s larger revenue goals.

An SLA should establish:

A series of shared targets
The deliverables that each team is responsible for
Clear definitions of key terms
Communication channels to be used
This will typically be drafted by representatives from each department (often supported by a RevOps team). As a result, both parties gain clarity and confidence that they will have the support needed to execute their tasks effectively.